[center][u][b]Minamoto Yoshitsune[/b][/u] Level 4 [6/40] Al Mamoon Northwest - Obelisk Temple 652 [u][b]Sora[/b][/u] Level 1 [0/10]] Al Mamoon Northwest - Obelisk Temple 652 [@Lugubrious][@Dawnrider][@DracoLunaris][@Archmage MC][@Yankee][@TheDemonHound][@Dark Cloud][/center] After the fighting was finished, Yoshitsune's first order of business was to produce a friend heart for the Witch Doctor he'd been fighting. After failing his first time, he turned and watched how the others did it, producing one shortly after. With a quick attack that didn't do any more damage, he shoved the heart into the woman. After waiting a couple seconds, he held his hand towards her, showing her friendliness and keeping his hands away from his sheathed blades. "The battle is over." Even if she understood now that she'd only been part of the Resistance thanks to Nastasia's brainwashing, the Witch Doctor remained full of misgivings. Though the friend heart undid her wounds, they still stung her pride, and she could not look at Yoshitsune impartially. Defeat did not mean friendship. Shaking the hand of the man who'd mocked and wounded her would be too much. So she averted her gaze and looked at the floor, murmuring, "So it is." Convinced she was alright, the samurai turned towards the others who needed their hearts as well. Seeing the key-wielding boy, he was about to summon another heat, though could tell by the look on the boy's face that he'd already been freed from Galeem's influence. Once the haze from Galeem lifted, Sora looked around in confusion. "What just happened?" he asked, rubbing his head. "You've just been freed from Galeem," Yoshitsune started bluntly. "What's a Galeem? A type of heartless? And who are you?" The boy was obviously very confused. "My name is Minamoto Yoshitsune. I am a Samurai from Japan." "A Samurai?!" Sora exclaimed, summoning his keyblade back to his hand. "You don't look like a Nobody." Taken aback by the teen's reaction, the man held up his hands, his swords still sheathed. "Even nobodies can become great warriors." "Do I have…" Sora seemed to be checking all his pockets for something. During his search, his Keyblade disappeared. He hung his head in defeat. "I don't have them…" After watching the young teenager, Yoshitsune was confused. "What were you looking for? If you can magically summon things to your hand, try that." "That only works for the Keyblade," Sora responded, summoning said weapon again. "What were you looking for that you apparently don't have?" Yoshitsune inquired. "Jiminy's journals. I was gonna show you the Samurai Nobodies," Sora sighed. "I do not believe I'm one of these nobodies you're talking about," the samurai said calmly. "How can I be sure?" Sora asked, eyeing the man. "The world we're in now consists of the remnants of many worlds. My world is nothing like anything else I've seen upon traveling around here. I'm sure the others could explain it better." The samurai was mentally hoping for some help in explaining this. "I've traveled to other worlds. Usually, Donald's magic would help us fit in with that world. My job is to lock the hearts of the worlds to keep the darkness away." The keybearer seemed all too happy about that. When everyone began leaving the temple, the pair followed behind. Neither of them knew exactly where they were going, though Yoshitsune hoped it was to an inn. Sora, Upon exiting the temple, looked around in awe. "This place looks like Agrabah," he said to himself. Overhearing him, Yoshitsune was quick to stop him from running off. "This is Al Mamoon. You could get lost easily if you're not careful. Stick with the group." Finally realizing he was out of his element, the teenager rested his arms behind his head with a sigh. "So, who is everyone?" Sora asked, looking at the entirety of the group. Yoshitsune nodded and pointed at each person around them, making them, and saying whether they were with the travelers or if they were temporary allies from the city. Though, he did comment that he'd prefer the two large brutes, Big Band and Goldlewis, joined their travels.