“I deserve to know what is going on.” Elissa said, tears stinging her eyes. “I’ll have people looking for me.” She pulled an arm free from Pete’s grasp and drew a dagger from a hidden pocket. With the precision of a professional she threw it across the deck, landing it in the wheel of the ship, right where she aimed. It was a special dagger, Joseph had given it to her when they were children, in turn she had given him a ring. Inscribed on the dagger was, “To my dear friend, never shall I forget you. Joseph.” Elissa had always kept it with her in hopes that one day Joseph would come back into her life. Never in a million years would she have expected him to come back as a pirate. He’d been her only friend growing up and had also saved her many a time from the local nobleman’s son, Blayne Ashton. Blayne was two years older than Elissa and had taken to teasing her for her father’s profession. He’d bully her to tears. “I have to talk to your captain. I have to talk to Joseph.” She begged of Pete when they arrived at the cabin. “Please. I deserve to know what is going on. I deserve to know what is going to happen to me.” Elissa knew she had to escape. Being captured by pirates was no calm matter. It wasn’t the worst situation she had faced, but it certainly wasn’t one she had expected. “I have to talk to, Joe.” She looked up at Pete with a pleading face. “This has to be a mistake. Why would he want me? Why would he want my father?” Elissa tried to pull away to hurry back up the stairs. Mentally she cursed the formal gown, it was proving to be a hindrance in her attempts to fight the giant before her. This was why she normally chose clothing deemed inappropriate for women, breeches and a button up shirt. In her attempts to get away, Elissa didn’t notice Rat following them at a distance. Rat was waiting for his chance to get even with Elissa for his humiliation. He figured the sooner the better, knowing the captain would come and talk with the prisoner before too long. He had a pistol at his waist, loaded and ready. He no longer cared what the captain’s plan was, he had his own plan. Revenge was more important.