Rat frowned, he didn't like Pete, the man was too by the book. Of course, Rat had always tended to do what would benefit him before doing anything else. With the keys gone he'd just have to find another way to break into the room. Before becoming a part of Joseph's crew, he'd been a thief, pickpocket, and lockpick. He had a bounty on his head in several countries, all under different names. Being a pirate combined all of his talents and he was loyal only to himself. If a better job presented itself he would easily and without remorse leave and/or betray Joseph and the crew just to further himself. After Pete left he turned to the door to figure out the best way to open it. He knew if he fired his pistol, he'd not only waste the only shot he had but also cause attention to be drawn to him and the cabin. Elissa tried another pin and broke it. She was running out of pins and patience. It'd never taken her this long to pick a lock before. "Come on, you got this. Just take a deep breath and focus." She told herself. "You've picked harder locks with less supplies before. This one is nothing." With her little pep talk out of the way she took a deep breath and tried again, smiling as she was rewarded with the sound of the lock clicking open. Now to face the Rat. Elissa knew she was going to have to take him by surprise, so without waiting for him to realize she had unlocked the door, she slammed it open and ran, shoving him into the wall. Rat fell backwards, wondering for a brief moment what had happened. He came to what little senses he had and realized that his quarry was escaping him. As she bolted up the stairs for the main deck, he followed, pistol at the ready. He waited at the bottom of the stairs and right as she reached the top he fired. Elissa stumbled. It took a moment for her to realize what had happened, Rat had shot her. Lucky for her he had missed her heart and had hit her left shoulder. She collided with the deck, anger filling her. This man was worse that real rats. Rat realized that he had missed his mark and reloaded as he climbed the steps. He felt a small victory when he saw she had fallen to the deck, already her white shirt was becoming stained red. "This is for punching me in the face." He said standing over her, aiming his weapon down at her chest. Without thinking Elissa grabbed the barrel of the pistol and pulled down with her good arm, her left was numb and useless at the moment. Rat started to fall forward, until she brought both legs up and kicked him away, knocking the pistol from his grasp. He fell to the deck a few feet away from her, but didn't stay down long. She had just enough time to stand and toss the pistol overboard before he started to run at her. If it was a fight he wanted, it would be a fight he'd get. This wasn't her first time, fighting for her life and she doubted that it would be her last. Rat had the advantage, being able to use both his arms, but it didn't stop Elissa. Somehow she was able to hold her own. "Captain! Captain!" The cabin boy, William, called as he ran up to the man at the wheel. "The girl, she escaped the cabin. Her and Rat are fighting! He shot her!" He pointed down to the main deck where the two were brawling.