[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/final-fantasy-xiv-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210311/8473fdd8b00d89055188a4297bda55eb.png[/img][/url][/center] Reduction? That was an interesting place to start learning transmuting. Then again, there wasn't exactly a natural place to begin to learn how to alter the materials and composition of matter. Salem watched intently as the professor spoke, reciting the incantation in his mind over and over again to try and ensure he memorized the words and how to pronounce them. The sigil used to cast the spell seemed simple enough. But he was beginning to understand why delving into too many magics may become a bit too difficult to maintain. Having to keep track of every sigil, phrase, and motion associated with every set would becoming more difficult with every new spell. So far the two he had seen seemed fairly simple, but he had no doubt that the more advanced applications would have more complex symbols. The student next to him passed down a wooden block, having Salem continue it until everyone had their own blocks and he was absentmindedly tapping his thumb against it. Salem was ready to try the spell, eagerly shifting in place as he watched the spell performed so that he could attempt it himself. As soon as the professor finished speaking, Salem tapped his finger against the wooden block, imagining the symbol and keeping it focused in his mind as he spoke the words. He felt his magic leave through his fingertip, a spot of green energy spiraling out before it recoiled back into him and Salem erupted intona burst of floral scents. The scent of lavender began to fill his space as embarrassment took over him at the idea of having failed at his first attempt. He tried to push back his emotions, take a deep breath and relax, which was made easier by the calming scents of the lavender. After collecting himself, Salem tried the exercise once more, this time managing to shrink the small wooden block by a small amount. [Color=82ca9d]"Are all the spells we learn in this class applicable to living and organic matter as well?"[/color]