Having received the all-clear from Key, Lantea jogged over to the security room, holding outside the door until Arthur was inside. Seeing that Key had made herself at home already, she allowed herself to relax a little. The hard part was over and it looked like it would be a well and truly boring run... ...and then it hit the fan. Lantea switched to her Tornado, taking up the back as they left. Being the rear guard was always a pain. Turn around every few steps and still risk getting shot in the back. As they left the security room, she closed the door, ignited one of her omni blades and thrust it into the door control panel before slicing across, hoping to sever enough important things to prevent the door from opening. [i]‘If you want to cause problems from the security room when you find us, take the five seconds to breach. If you even can.’[/i] she thought spitefully. [color=CF61E1]”I expect that will get better with time. When people hire mercs, they’ll always start low and get more willing to pay extra once you’ve worked for them a bit, like a trial period. But if that’s not the case here, I’ll get the torches if you bring the pitchforks.”[/color] she replied to Key’s complaints. The Quarian wasn’t wrong though, and while a personal security detail would likely not pack a bigger punch than assault rifles - and even those would be like going hunting for game with a pocket nuke - they could still turn their proverbial pile of scrap into a literal one if they tried hard enough. Unfortunately for her and the crew, the thought of pissing off a criminal with enough clout to have a rogue Spectre on speed dial was a pretty good incentive. [color=CF61E1]”Did he say how loud we’re going? ‘Do whatever we have to to get out.’ loud or ‘Do whatever we can to grab the money lizard.’ loud?”[/color] she turned to her team leader again, wondering whether she'd need her pistol or grenades and biotisc more in the coming minutes.