[@Raylah] Looks good for the most part! I would like to discuss her powers a touch, though. Knowing when someone is lying and if they're [i]about[/i] to lie seems like a bit much, especially since she can't directly read minds. You could say she's got an intuitiveness (not a psychic one but a real one) to it since her time as an "interrogator". Also might want a bit of clarification on the Desires/Fears thing. By 'instinctively' do you mean that it all comes to her no matter what she's doing, or will she still need to but a bit of concentrated effort into probing them? I'm not sure if this is what you were already going for but I think it'd be nice if, seeing how you're going for a "feel, don't think" vibe, that she doesn't get clear desires or fears, just, well, the feelings for it. Share a craving for ice-cream or get hairs on the back of her neck when a topic comes up, that sorta stuff. Adding to that, the way that power would work when in a Dive might need some changing, depending on how you mean to use it. How would manipulating fears and desires work, exactly? The manifesting might play out differently, since Dives take place in the person's materialized psyches [i]already[/i], but I wanna get your thoughts on that too before making changes.