[color=8dc73f]"But of course, making boxes is a must have skill!"[/color] Medaira chirped in agreement, nodding her head vigorously as she was also grinning underneath her mask and underneath her hood. The only thing that vaguely transmitted her emotions of fun was the upright curve of her eyebrows that formed whenever somebody smiles and the slight intonation of her synthetized sounding voice.[color=8dc73f]" I've worked with less in the past."[/color] The magos added with a shrug. It was true, once she build a box with nothing but wires and wooden sticks. Here she even had proper metal sheets to work with! She let out a snicker at the words being spoken about the suggestion of not thinking about the book.[color=8dc73f]" Good chance with that indeed, better keep it quiet from anybody not of importance to the mission though. We already know of it to begin with so it's impossible to compeltely cut off our thinking on the topic one way or another. Bringing in people who hadn't had idea of it and mentioning it to them however will be a surefire way to get people's interest."[/color] Once outside and exposed to the merry celebrations of Sanguinalla, Medaira broke out in a merry two tone jingle with her servo head. Ahh it was one of her favorite celebration days! So much joy to be had and even she wouldn't pull off a mean prank on this fine day. She eyed curiosly the celestian and then the Maya when the other took of her helmet. Medaira 's grin got positively huge, eyeing the pointy eared woman as the party had varying other reactions to the revelation. Stukov was positively negative! Psyker friend Adrianne was quite a bit negative also! Medaira side stepped around her patting her on the shoulder, eyes locked on the eldar. Elder in imperial power armor! Elder in Imperial Sororitas Power Armor! SO MUCH PRANKING POTENTIAL! She was saving that one for the celestian and the psyker friend whenever she puts one on, but this will do fine too! New prank victim aside, she was posively positive of the eldar's presence! Such a great source of Eldar tech information so close! She just wanted to grab Maya and drag her over to her room so she can ask a few hundred questions! She started singing her merry jingle even more as she walked over to Maya.[color=8dc73f]" Happy to properly meet you, Prank Friend Maya! Let's be best of friends!"[/color] She greeted the woman, her head filled with positive friendliness and happy thoughts. She suddenly felt a great pressure, taking her breath away, but she barely reacted. She just looked around and looked at Adrianne who spoke out. She let out an amused jingle melody and returned to her duties while they were flying, which consisted of poking things and checking her gear for damage and repairs and also doing a few spot weldings on the box. When they arrived at their destination that turned out to be a fancy restaurant, Medair was a very happy camper! Ohh it was going to be a very nice family sanguinalla dinner, but without the family and with friends instead! It was great, the Omnissiah was generous this year. As they were leaving to follow the Celestian to the restaurant the magos felt herself being pulled away by sudden psykic force." WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She made a sound of glee as she snapped in place in front of Adrianne.[color=8dc73f]" Worry not Psyker friend! Box is very sealed as for Prank Friend Maya, I'm sure Prank Friend Maya will be of great pranking help in the future!"[/color] She chirped as they were walking into the restaurant now. It was quite darn obvious they stood out like an orc in a beauty contest.[color=8dc73f]" Now, less worrying that causes wrinkes, Friend Adrianne, and more Sanguanalla Celebratory dinner!" [/color]She added, giving the psyker a surprise HUG, with capital letters as she made it a very tight hug.[color=8dc73f]" You too, Prak Friend Stukov!"[/color] She added as she let go of ADrianne and repeated the hug on the man, before letting go and with a jingle on her lips, skipped away forward to Andromedai. [color=8dc73f]"What a lovely place, Friend Boss Lady Andromedai!"[/color] She told their leader with a happy voice as she took off her breather like mask and pulled down her red and black hood, letting her shoulder length white hair free.