[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img] Level 9 Blazermate - (34/90) The Maw > Kitchen Words: less than 750 [/center] After their little mishap with the fish man, Blazermate's healing not working at it should've but everyone alive, they rode the elevator and found themselves in a cafeteria area for kids. Blazermate, not having any need to eat, didn't stick around in this room for long only scooping up a few of the non perishables like cured meats and bread into her backpack when she saw that half her team was eating and the other half wasn't. Either the curse would take those that didn't eat, or the ones that did, so being prepared for one of hte two scenarios would probably be best here. With that done she moved into the next room, which was full of older looking butchers tools such as meat grinders and the like. Since Blazermate wasn't organic, the sight of all the messy organic bits didn't bother her too much. She knew it was gross, and it was, but unlike some of the others that would soon follow, it didn't bother her on a deeper level other than 'ew'. She then took a peek in the next room, in which she saw a huge butcher, adult sized or maybe even a bit bigger, which towered over her. Not as much as it did the others mind, but while she was one of the taller Medabot models, she still wasn't full human adult size. There were only 3 medabot models that were all things considered, with one of those models being a kaiju and the others being actual tanks. Still, a big human guy was a bit of a relief compared to all the stuff they had been dealing with prior. And seeing as they were in a kitchen, maybe now Blazermate could find a weapon that wasn't just a piece of scrap metal. Looking around in the room she was in, there wasn't really much that stood out. Chains weren't her thing, and she couldn't pick up an actual meat grinder and use it efficiently either. But over in a corner she found a fish wrapped in a newspaper. However, soemthing about when she scanned this fish caught her attention, as it seemed to be much, much tougher than it looked. Almost as if it was as strong as an aluminum baseball bat. She tried playing with it for a bit, noticing how floppy it was, but after a bit she got some training and ideas with it to use it at least effectively as a club. It was about time too, as the others had come and gone into the next room doing some shenanigans to open the door, them being much more conspicuous compared to Blazermate. However not long after they made a distraction which caught Blazermate's attention, another chef, more human looking and even bigger than the other guy, came walking in. And this other guy was far, far more perceptive than the other cook, finding the other kids right away and catching their abyssal friends in his clutches! Well this was a good of time as any to appear and help her comrades as the others tried the same thing. Unfortunitally Blazermate couldn't get to the man in time with her weapon, both chefs leaving the room and closing the door behind them with their new found catch. Some of the kids went through a nearby vent to try to get to their captured allies, others, the ones who ate, were too big and couldn't fit through said vent, were banging down the door. Blazermate joined this door group, using her own robo strength to join in the bashing with Bowser and the like as the ones who could get into the room using their own methods were doing what they could to rescue the girls. Oh, these chefs were in for a surprise when a robot wielding a fish with the strength of an aluminum bat brought her retribution onto them. She was quite tired of this running and hiding business anyway.