Name: Manami Mikado Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=]Here.[/url] Canon, AU, or OC?: OC Universe of Origin: Kamen Rider Personality:Manami is something of a fangirl when it comes to her fellow Riders (or similarly costumed heroes), due mostly to an event in her childhood where she found herself in a group of people at risk of being sacrificed to a monster, only to be rescued by a strange creature calling himself Hibiki. She doesn't take her role as a Rider very seriously, often cracking jokes in the middle of fights or gushing over awesome moves her allies may pull off. When it comes to school or work, she tends to be rather lazy, using any excuse to procrastinate on study or finding a job. She has a tendency to make bad puns, seeming to get the same amount of enjoyment whether people laugh or groan at the attempts at humour. Her favourite food is Pocky, and she has on at least one occasion forgone having proper food for dinner in favour of a box of the chocolate-coated biscuit sticks. Abilities/Weapons: Manami has a device known as the Lost Driver and several Gaia Memories, allowing her to transform into Kamen Rider Wild. Due to her Driver and Memories' nature, each of Manami's Rider forms share an appearance with [url=]Kamen Rider Cyclone[/url], though their colour schemes differ.[list][*]Shrimp: A red form with blue lines, Shrimp form has average speed, fragile defences (though still tougher than a normal human) and not much in the way of physical strength. However, in this form, Manami wields the Shrimpistol, a [url=]gun which looks similar to Kamen Rider Skull's Skull Magnum, although predominately blue instead of black[/url], which fires powerful blasts of energy which she claims are hotter than the sun. Of course, these claims are somewhat exaggerated...for her normal shots at least. This form's Maximum Drive (which she has yet to name) is activated by inserting the Shrimp Memory into the Shrimpistol, after this, it charges energy for a few seconds before unleashing a larger than normal shot which can reach temperatures approaching those of the Sun's surface.[/*][*]Bear: A white and brown form with below average agility, but impressive strength and defensive capabilities. In this form, Manami fights unarmed, instead relying on her bare hands. This form's Maximum Drive, Grizzly End, has Manami slash at her enemy twice with her hands, leaving a trail of energy that resembles claw marks where her fingertips passed, which is followed up with a punch strong enough to send most enemies flying.[/*][*]Bee: A yellow and black form that emphasises speed over strength or defence. In this form, she wields a sword called the Stinger. This form's Maximum Drive is activated by placing the Bee Memory into a slot in the base of the Stinger's hilt. After a brief charging period, Manami puts on a sudden burst of speed, delivering a large number of slashes and thrusts to her opponent in a short period of time.[/*][*]Zoo: A living Memory that resembles a wolf. It appears when Manami is in danger and contains power greater than any of her other forms. [url=]Wild's Zoo form bears a resemblance to Double's Fang half,[/url] with some parts of her armour becoming more jagged, unlike Fang, it is predominately dark grey. While using this form, she is reduced to an animalistic mindset and has trouble differentiating between friends and foes, as such she refuses to use it unless absolutely necessary. Due to Zoo's power being a combination of animals, she is able to summon the Shrimpistol or Stinger by pressing down on the Memory's tail. She believes there may be more weapons available through this method, but is never in a good position to test this out. The Zoo Memory's Maximum Drive, Final Stampede, conjures energy projections of an assortment of animals (the exact make up of the group seems to change each time) which rush the opponent, once the stampede is finished, Manami delivers a flying kick, generally causing the target to explode.[/*][/list]Backstory: Manami's life has been mostly uneventful, with two main exceptions. The first being the previously mentioned situation with Hibiki when she was nine years old and the second being a rather odd encounter several years ago. On her way home from school, Manami found a strange device lying on the ground, accompanied by several USB drives. Unknown to her, the device was a Lost Driver, created and left there by Foundation X as part of an experiment to determine why exactly the hypothetically superior monsters they had invested time and money into kept losing to Riders. Shortly after, she began to come under attack from an assortment of monsters. After a while, she became suspicious of this and, following some investigation and a bit of tinkering from an engineering student she was friends with, a chip that had been transmitting data about her fights back to the Foundation was removed from the Driver. Reasoning that with their research ended, they didn't need the Rider anymore, the Foundation sent one last person after her, to test an unstable Gaia Memory, "Warp". Manami managed to defeat the Dopant, however, instead of the standard explosion, performing a Memory Break on the Warp Dopant seemed to create a vortex which sucked in everything nearby. Faction: None, though she's likely to join the UMMA if given the chance.