[Hider=Shryke Syndicate] [hider=Brief Description] Leader: Maeve, Pirate Queen of Yisetera Government: Monarchy variant Homeworld: Yisetera, only occupied planet though most of the faction comprises of nomadic hordes. Society: Most of society either engages in piracy or smuggling, only the Traveler tribe engages in legitimate activities. All citizens are afflicted with Phircyn mutations (see Phircyn Assimilation and Phircyn Mutation), those that are not mutants are enslaved. Most slaves fight in the arenas of Yisetera for the amusement of the Syndicate but some are kept by Syndicate leaders to various degrees of treatment. The Syndicate is organized with Maeve, the Pirate Queen, at the top and underneath her are six ‘Admirals’ who each rule over their own tribe. The admirals are free to do as they wish so long as they do not interfere with the business of the other admirals and do not go against Maeve’s authority. Population: 90% mutant (90% Human, 10% other), 10% non-mutant slaves. [/hider] [hider=history] Some two thousand years ago an evil sieged the galaxy. This Scourge, as it later became known, wreaked havoc and ruin to every planet it touched save for at least one, which faced a different foe. The planet Yisetera was a fledgling colony, on the cusp of being recognized and accepted into the empire of it’s patron when the Scourge came to plague the galaxy. By chance, the scourge never came to Yisetera, or at least not the same scourge that came to every other planet. Instead of a scourge, Yisetera received a Faustian bargain. Few cared at first at yet another space rock arriving on the planet. Thirty minutes in space and you could find a whole belt full of them. Only the scientists cared to study the meteor and its contents. Only the scientists cared when a strange crystal was encased within. But when the scientists experimented and found uses for the crystal, suddenly more people started to pay attention. It was only a few days before the crystal was discovered to leech minerals from the ground it erupted from, and a month before a cheap process of refinement was invented. Some more time, and it became a convenient source of energy as well. Naturally, some big wigs in the military began to question what other uses it could have… The crystal, later dubbed Phircyn, became the biggest discovery of the century. Though it did come with some hazards. The radiation sickness was a given, but it took some time before the mutagenic properties it had on flora was discovered. Regardless, it was considered a useful hazard like uranium. Some safety precautions, and it would be fine right? It was not until Phircyn had an evolution that people started to worry. Towards the end of the year Phircyn changed, and liked a virus it became more contagious. At first content to slowly spread through mineral veins, it now infected tall trees to produce Phircyn ‘spores’ to be spread via wind. The wind carried Phircyn microparticles much further and faster than it had earlier in the year. In the first year it covered a mere ~2% of Yisetera’s land mass. Only a few months into the next year it covered ~16%. Halfway through the second year, it began to mutate animals and spread to ~20%. It is unknown if the people were aware of the Scourge that plagued the rest of the galaxy or if they knew no reason for why their patron abandoned them. If they knew they were alone. Between two and five years the planet accelerated into anarchy. Not much is known about what happened between the fifth and five hundredth year. Within that time frame the government collapsed, Phircyn covered the planet, and ~96% of the planet’s population was lost. Those that remained only did so by adapting. Mutating. Surviving. Those that emerged, emerged forever changed. Their very genes altered to bond with Phircyn. Instead of dying, they would thrive. Instead of receiving sickness, they will be invigorated. While the rest of the world died as their bodies slowly crystalized preventing their hearts from pumping blood or their lungs from taking in oxygen, the mutants would endure. And when those that remained needed no longer fight for survival, they fought for power. For authority. To rule. So began a war which lasted saw hundreds of warlords come and go. Most of them came and went, here one moment and gone the next. There were only a handful that were worth remembering, and of those only three are still remembered. In the end, Maeve came out on top. The tales of her victories and exploits are as many as the stars and as contradictory as two brothers shifting blame onto the other. What is known for sure is that she convinced several warlords to fight under her banner and she systematically absorbed each tribe until all were united. Out of the crucible of war the Shryke Syndicate was forged. With six warlords to lead six tribes, and a queen to rule them all. But with the planet now a wasteland, with frequent ion storms plaguing the worst parts, Piracy became the Syndicate’s trade. Though there was some piracy during the age of warlords, that was amateur hour compared to what the Syndicate could do with all their numbers and cunning. For almost five hundred years Yisetera was just another rock that happened to have a population that descended into anarchy. From then to now it was a rock that hosted one of the most controversial names in intergalactic piracy. The Shryke Syndicate is tied to some of the gravest violations of rights and decency, but others seen them extend a helping hand. Under the Syndicate lie the banner of six tribes, each with their own reputation. Some are known to taking captives to enslave and sell on the black market or to fight in the Syndicate’s arenas on Yisetera. One tribe seems to delight in smashing things to smithereens whether metal or flesh. Another is well regarded by most for their Robin Hood type of method, only singling out those of ill reputation and often providing relief and aid to the less fortunate. Most have learned that where the Syndicate is involved, it’s not a good sign when their colors feature a lot of red and not enough purple. [/hider] [Hider=Yisetera] The planet was once another of those generic Earth-like planets that are prone to being colonized but now sports an entirely different surface than it once did. The blue sky is now blighted with dark clouds and the all to frequent crack of lightning scorching the ground. The seas, partially crystalized and void of life. The ground rocky and brown save the green crystals that either tower over the ground like a glacier or cover the surface in large patches and the occasional few millennia old ruins. The land mass can be separated into three categories: Red zones which are heavily contaminated with Phircyn. The sky is completely clouded and Ion storms are common. Phircyn crystals, towering hundreds of feet can be seen in the skyline and husks of what once were animals and plants can occasionally be seen if not swallowed by the green tide of Phircyn. Non mutants traveling to these regions must be fully covered in armor or a suit fully sealed off from the environment are risk almost guaranteed chance of Phircyn exposure. Red Zones make up ~56% of the surface. Yellow zones are the ones that primarily house the mutants of the Shryke Syndicate. Yellow zones have the right balance of Phircyn to be habitable for the mutants but not too much where Ion storms will be a regular occurrence. It is common to see the remains of flora and fauna that failed to adopt in these regions. Non mutants can usually travel through yellow zones safely as Phircyn usually is only allowed in certain spots. Yellow zones make up ~40% of the surface. Blue Zones only make up ~4% of the surface and is used exclusively to house non mutant slaves (for the arenas) or guests. Phircyn growth is extremely limited to avoid the risk of exposure to non mutants. Flora and some fauna may even be observed though most are not native to Yisetera. [/hider] [hider=Phircyn Assimilation] Phircyn is a dense dynamic proton lattice held together by exotic heavy particles. When Phircyn comes into contact with foreign matter, the heavy particles collide with the nuclei of the foreign matter and either smashing it to pieces or knocking off protons/neutrons. A fraction of the protons ejected are captured and incorporated into the structure of Phircyn allowing it to transmute foreign matter into more Phircyn. When a heavy particle collides with the atomic nucleus, fission occurs, which results in alpha, beta, gamma, as well as other forms of electromagnetic radiation. In short, Phircyn is an exotic self-replicating substance. While this is largely a scientific curiosity where minerals are involved, it gets messier where organic life is concerned. While the emission of radiation alone is enough to kill a man in a few days of exposure, the aforementioned transmutation property is much more gruesome as the body tissues fail to function when they become hardened and crystalized. The lungs fail to take in oxygen, muscles stop moving, the heart stops beating, organs begin to fail as they slowly and often painfully crystalize. If the transmutation process begins, removal of infected tissue is required immediately to prevent being turned to another large chunk of Phircyn, something that may be difficult or impossible to do depending on where in the body the process is occurring. However, in rare cases some have survived the transmutation process. These individuals have suffered severe cellular mutation encouraged by the radiation from Phircyn that turned them into Phircyn based lifeforms. No longer plagued by Phircyn, they now have a symbiotic relationship in where Phircyn sustains these mutants while the mutants of an inclination to spread Phircyn as they can no longer survive in environments free of Phircyn. [/hider] [hider=Phircyn Mutation] The process begins when the host begins to have their flesh transmute into Phircyn. Phircyn transmutation happens most rapidly in the nervous system and skeletal structure but can be visually observed as green crystals emerge out of the body. Phircyn expands at a rate of roughly 3.8 centimeters an hour on the average human but is nearly tripled in the nervous system and skeletal structure for reasons not yet understood. During this whole process, the host is also bombarded by radiation emitted from the transmutation process and will suffer cellular mutations. In most cases, infection runs about six to ten hours before the host dies from organ failure, blood loss, lack of oxygen in case of lung tissue crystalizing, etcetera. In some cases, cellular mutation combined with the transmutation process allows the host’s cells to bond with Phircyn instead of being fully transmuted. In the case this mutation occurs, rapid cellular division allows for ‘corrupted’ Phircyn based cells to outnumber and replace the carbon-based ones and turning the host from a carbon-based lifeform to a Phircyn-based one within four hours. At this point, the host has survived stage one of infection and is now in stage two. During stage two, Phircyn transmutation progresses to the brain of the host, if it has not already. The amygdala, hippocampus, cerebellum, and prefrontal cortex will shrivel as the host experiences a ‘clouded’ memory. These regions of the brain will also partially crystalize with Phircyn. How exactly Phircyn interacts (or controls communication) with these regions is not fully understood, but what is known is that individuals will recall notable points of their past such as places they lived or people, they know but will not recall specific memories regarding them such as if one person was either friend or foe or if they loved visiting a particular place. The end of stage two is observed when the green crystals emerging from the host shift from a green color to either a red (Phircyn Cruentus) or purple (Phircyn Purpureus) color. A mutant displays superhuman feats and abilities. When in the presence of green Phircyn, they can heal from otherwise fatal injuries. They have increased strength and durability and indefinite endurance as their body is fueled by the radiation emitted by the Phircyn in their bodies. As a result, they do not require food, water, or rest. They can still consume things normally through their digestive track but the energy gained is insubstantial to the energy they consume. The host’s Phircyn crystals function somewhat akin to a battery in that it fuels them while there is still ‘juice’ but the battery will eventually be drained and must be ‘recharged’ by being in the presence of green Phircyn. A mutant can, on average, survive 8-12 hours away from the radiation of green Phircyn. [/hider] [hider=Maeve, Pirate Queen] The Pirate Queen of Yisetera is a figure shrouded in mystery and rumor. Her past is plagued by contradictory stories and rumors, some started by her. What can be certain is that she is the unquestionable leader of the Shryke Syndicate, served faithfully by her underlings through respect or fear. While the different tribes of the syndicate operate independently of each other in their own area of specialties, Maeve ensures they never interfere with each other’s business. She made the rules the tribes abide by and she does not treat transgressions lightly which allows for some sense of tolerance for each other despite the animosity between the tribes. She is unique among the mutants in that she plays host to both Phircyn Purpureus and Phircyn Cruentus when any other mutant normally only possesses one type. This is not immediately obvious as the Crystals visibly emerged from her chest and right shoulder are Phircyn Purpureus, they shift visibly to Phircyn Cruentus as her mood shifts to anger and fury. She stands about 5’10” or about 1.78 meters tall, she wears more antiquated leather clothes (because ‘the classic look never grows old’) and has purple hair that flows just past her shoulders. Perhaps the most notable detail, besides the crystals growing out of her, is that the lower half of her face is replaced with a metallic prosthetic giving a gaunt or skeletal appearance. Some say she wears a mask because her jaw was torn off in an injury long ago, others say that instead of having a mouth she has nothing, just a dark space as endless and black as the void. When she gets angry, an interesting change occurs. As the crystals shift to a red hue her flesh starts to stretch and distort while something claws its way out. In a shower of blood and viscera a large serpentine creature rips forth from its fleshy prison. This form of Maeve resembles a serpent, lacking limbs except for two pairs of wings, has a large maw, lacks eyes, and sports red Phircyn crystals sprouting linearly along it’s back. She is about 50 feet long from head to tail, or about 15 and a quarter meters. She can also travel at FTL speeds in this form through the use of a specialized organ but it uses immense energy leaving her hungry for a source of energy and even more irritated. This form also features incredible durability, regeneration, strength, and can manipulate the radiation her Phircyn Cruentus emits into directed beams to attack targets. This form is why she is feared both in and out of the Syndicate, effectively becoming a one man army (and not a very happy one at that). When Maeve does calm down in this form, her carapace calcifies and crumbles into dust revealing her human form underneath. [hider=Maeve ref, WIP will be updated] [img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/372844371781091328/883613235255836722/thumbnail.png?width=558&height=465 [/img] [/hider] [hider=Maeve alt ref] [img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/372844371781091328/883616330002079755/Maeve_Alt_Credit_to_superstapes.jpg [/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Pirate Tribes] The Shryke Syndicate is divided between six different tribes which focus on specific operations for the syndicate. The tribes can be classified based on whether members possess Phircyn Cruentus or Phircyn Purpureus as well as whether they are primarily for Piracy, Mercantilism, or Military. The tribes are not allowed to interfere in each other’s business in order to promote some sort of cohesion (if fragile) in the Syndicate but The Code establishes some rules and traditions to solve disagreements. If transgressions between the tribes can not be mediated by The Code, the Pirate Queen may provide final judgement. Breach of The Code is often reciprocated with capital punishment. The Travelers (Phircyn Purpureus) are responsible for trading legitimate goods and charitable acts. They serve to provide a legitimate source of income as well as to establish good will for the Syndicate. The tribe is currently lead by Admiral Boyle. His charisma and generosity give few people a reason to hate him. The Market (Phircyn Cruentus) trade in illegitimate goods. Drugs, slaves, weapons, there are few things one could want that are not sold by them. Anything that the Syndicate has plundered that is too hot, illegal, or otherwise unsuitable to be sold by The Travelers is given to The Market. While respectable empires may denounce The Market, most of them have been customers at least once. They are Currently led by Admiral Elvira. Rumors suggest her appetite is unusual. The Void Corsairs (Phircyn Purpureus) is a pirate tribe bound by honor. They set themselves apart with a strict code of conduct, and by extension, a sense of superiority over their peers and especially those hosting Phircyn Cruentus. They prey on those that the ‘common man’ might like to see knocked down a peg or two. They also contract part of their forces out to foreign powers as mercenaries. They are fierce rivals to The Ravagers due to their ideological differences and personal grudges between Admirals. They are led by Admiral Havoc. Supposedly as stout as she is honorable. The Ravagers (Phircyn Cruentus) are the dark to the light that is The Void Corsairs. Any target is fair game for them, anything with value will likely be plundered. They might also be contracted for mercenary work, but their loyalty is to the highest bidder (and they are always willing to switch sides if it benefits them). A deal with them is not always a guarantee but so long as the money is good enough, they will do it. They are led by Admiral Hancock. Some say he feeds on the life of others. The Legion (Phircyn Purpureus) is a military tribe that operates with precision. They follow the same code as The Void Corsairs but do not necessarily enforce it as strictly. Care is given to non-combatants and clemency is usually granted to foes. They are led by Admiral Nox. The Scorched Horde (Phircyn Cruentus) is synonymous with overkill. If The Legion is like a scalpel, then the horde is a fragmentation grenade. They possess some of the largest and most explosive munitions in the faction to make sure that the target is not just dead but vaporized. They are also fiercely loyal to the Pirate Queen to a point just shy of a cult. They take their Phircyn and cybernetic augmentations further than the rest of the Syndicate, leading to rampant mutation and insanity. When not doing a personal task for Maeve they might contract themselves as mercenaries just to satisfy their bloodlust. Unlike the Ravagers, they honor their contract but it is guaranteed to be bloody. They are led by Admiral Raveshaw, more crystal and metal than man. [/hider] [Hider=Tech] The unique properties of Phircyn has applications in many fields. The transmutation process creates energy that powers their machines. Phircyn mutation assimilates well with cybernetic implants effectively making them a second skin. The use of Phircyn microparticles has also been introduced in many explosive munitions to give them more explosive power than conventional explosives. In addition, the liquid form of Phircyn is highly unstable with a very high energy density which has found use as another source of energy and as a bomb with an estimated yield of 1.2 gigatons. Lastly, a refinement process was developed to extract minerals from Phircyn crystals, allowing for a cheap and efficient method of strip mining and salvaging. Outside of Phircyn, the Syndicate possesses advanced technology in many fields either researched on their own or plundered from other empires. The Disruption Generator is capable of hiding vehicles from sight, radar, and thermal sensors but requires too much energy to be used in conjunction with advanced weapon systems in most cases. The Syndicate possesses a range of energy weapons for both their men and vessels. Lasers are a common sight and come in many forms, with the ‘Balor’ and the ‘Anubis’ class lasers being the most feared. Orbital Ion Cannons are employed on only the largest and heaviest ships due to their high-power use and amount of space required to house the weapon. Outside of these, some experimental tech exists with only a handful of developed examples. Whether due to problems with production or due to major issues with performance, they have yet to find widespread use and only exist in no more than a handful of prototypes. [/hider] [hider=ships] Vertigo (Attack bomber). Crew 2, Mk1 Reactive Armor, Front/Rear directional shielding (Mk1), 12 Phircyn-enhanced bomblets. Mirage Class Disruption Generator Venom (Fighter-Swarm). Crew 1, Light Armor, Mk1 Shield generator, 1 twin spitfire laser. While barely effective on their own, this type is designed to work in conjunction with several dozen others to overwhelm in quantity. Firehawk (Fighter-Advanced). Crew 1, Mk2 reactive armor. 8 Phircyn-enhanced guided missiles. 2 Lugh class lasers. Aegis (Drone). Unmanned tiny craft commanded by important ships to act as a physical shield or kinetic weapon by piloting into enemy ships. Salamander (gunship). Crew 20, Mk2 Medium armor. Mk1 shield generator. 6 Darter class dumbfire missile turrets. 6 Isis class lasers. 1 Purifier Incendiary Delivery System (In atmosphere only). Basilisk (Artillery). Crew 42, Mk2 Reactive Armor. 2 Balor class lasers or 2 Hellstorm MLRS batteries depending on variant. Kodiak (Planetary Assault Craft-Minor) Crew 240, Medium Armor, Mk2 Shield generator. 36 Darter class dumbfire missile turrets, 36 Lugh class laser turrets, 16 Isis class laser turrets. Mk1 Relay Node. Typically carries a compliment of 6 Vertigo, 6 Firehawk, 36 Venom, 4 Salamander, and 100 Aegis. Mirage class disruption generators. Devastator (Artillery) Crew 108, Mk3 Reactive Armor, 1 Ion Cannon Archangel (Support) Crew 116, Medium Armor, Mk1 Shield generator. 12 repair drones. 6 TMD turrets. 1 drone fabricator. Shroud class Disruption Generators Soul Ripper (Heavy Gunship) Crew 140, Medium Armor, Mk2 shield generator. 36 Isis Class Lasers, 6 MLRS batteries, 2 TMD turrets, 1 Purifier Incendiary Defense System Mk2 Hive (Capital Ship) Crew 12,000. Heavy Armor, Mk3 Shield Generator. 36 TMD turrets, 4 SMD turrets, 106 Isis Class Laser turrets, 24 Balor Class Laser turrets, 2 Ion Cannons. Mk2 Relay node. 16 Mk2 drone fabricator. 120 repair drones. 3600 Aegis drones. Mirage Class Disruption Generator Decimator (Capital Ship-Offense) Crew 8,000. Heavy armor, Mk3 Shield Generator. 212 Isis class laser turrets, 1 Anubis class laser, 4 Ion cannons. Mk2 Relay Node Guardian (Capital Ship-Defense) Crew 6,000. Heavy Armor, Mk3 Shield generator. 120 TMD turrets, 16 SMD turrets. 1 Anubis Class Laser. 12,000 Aegis Drones, 260 Repair Drones. 64 Mk2 drone fabricator. Mk2 Relay Node [/hider] [hider=unique ships] Prosperity – Guardian Class, Flagship of Admiral Boyle. Crew 9,600. Heavy Armor, Mk4 Shield generator. 120 TMD turrets, 16 SMD turrets. 240 Isis Class laser turrets. 12,000 Aegis Drones, 520 Repair Drones. 64 Mk3 Drone fabricator. Mk3 Relay Node Emissary – Guardian Class, Flagship of admiral Elvira. Crew 10,000. Heavy Armor, Mk4 Shield Generator. 160 TMD turrets, 20 SMD turrets. 240 Hellstorm MLRS batteries, 64 Balor Class laser turrets. 2 Anubis class lasers. Mk3 Relay Node Zephyr – Hive Class, Flagship of Admiral Havoc. Crew 13,000. Heavy Armor, Mk4 Shield Generator. 32 TMD Turrets, 6 SMD Turrets. 4 Anubis Class Laser, 64 Balor Class Laser Turrets, 240 Isis Class Laser Turrets. Mk3 Relay Node. 320 Repair Drones. 64 Mk3 Drone Fabricator. Mirage Class Disruption Generator. Vengeance – Hive Class, Flagship of Admiral Hancock. Crew 12,400. Heavy Armor, Mk4 Shield Generator. 6 Anubis Class Laser, 240 Balor Class Laser Turrets. 4 ion Cannons. Mk3 Relay Node. Legacy- Decimator Class, Flagship of admiral Nox. Crew 9,000. Heavy Armor, Mk4 Shield Generator. 4 Anubis Class Lasers. 128 Balor Class Laser Turrets. 320 Isis Class Laser Turrets. Mk3 Relay Node. Annihilation- Decimator Class, Flagship of Admiral Raveshaw. Crew 10,000. Heavy Armor. Mk4 Shield Generator. 1 Mk1 Catalyst Cannon. 128 TDM turrets, 32 SDM turrets. 320 Isis Class Laser Turrets. Mk3 Relay Node. Ascension, Flagship of Maeve. Crew 72,000. Ultraheavy Armor. Firestorm Shield Generator. 1 Mk2 Catalyst Cannon. 320 TDM turrets. 64 SDM Turrets. 720 Isis Class Laser Turrets. 360 Balor Class Laser Turrets. 4 Anubis Class Laser Turrets. Mk3 Relay Node. Mirage Class Disruption Generator. 36,000 Aegis Drones. [/hider] [hider=Ship Equipment] Disruption Generator is a device that interferes with the enemy’s thermal, radar, and optical sensors making the ship invisible and undetectable to most sensors. The Mirage class is designed to only hide the ship it is attached to, the Shroud class affects nearby ships as well. The Twinfire laser is designed for lightly armored targets and boasts a rapid fire rate. The Lugh class laser has half the RPM of the spitfire, but is capable of penetrating the armor of small warships. It also features an aim-guidance system. The Aegis Drones are commanded by a specialized device on the ship they are tied to and are typically used as either a physical shield against enemy fire or to kamikaze into the enemy. The Darter fires unguided missiles and is designed to penetrate light armor before detonating. The Isis class laser is the basic version of advanced lasers the syndicate employs. It can penetrate the armor of most ships and has excellent range too. The Purifier Incendiary Delivery Device delivers three successive and larger bursts of flame to targets underneath the vessel, the flames are hot enough to melt through most terrestrial targets and incinerate infantry in seconds. The weapon does require a few minutes to recharge after each use however. The Balor class laser is advanced anti-swarm/anti-heavy weapon. Its primary fire mode is strong enough to penetrate all but the thickest of hulls. Its secondary fire mode fires a lower intensity beam but for a longer period of time allowing it to ‘sweep’ and strike multiple adjacent foes. Its range also outranges virtually every other laser weapon and can even compete against the range missiles enjoy. The Hellstorm Multi-Launch-Rocket-System can fire as few as one missile or as many as 32 at a time. Relay Nodes emit Phircyn radiation at great ranges allowing operatives to sustain themselves without having to ‘recharge’ in a field of green Phircyn. The Mk1 has a range of a few hundred meters, the Mk2 can cover a planet, and the Mk3 can cover most solar systems. The Ion cannon is one of the Syndicates superweapons. It fires in two stages. The first stage is a barrage of secondary lasers which does minor damage but ionizes the air for the follow-up. The second stage fires a beam from the primary cannon that detonates the ionized air and causes an explosion that surrounds a target both inside and out. The weapon requires a period of about seven minutes to calibrate or it might risk damage to the system on subsequent firings. The energy consumption of the weapon requires most ships to divert power from non-critical systems during the 12 second firing process, leaving them vulnerable to retaliation during this time. Tactical Missile Defense targets hostile missiles and seeks to either disable or destroy them before it reaches its destination. Likewise, the Strategic Missile Defense targets only the most lethal and dangerous missiles. It fires barrages of missiles to intercept and detonate it prematurely at great ranges. Repair Drones are used to repair systems and hull points in the field or in combat. They can even construct new systems and hardpoints if needed. The Drone fabricator constructs new repair and aegis drones when needed. The Anubis Class laser is the other superweapon the syndicate employs. The Anubis class is the highest intensity of radiation the syndicate uses and is capable of firing indefinitely, only stopping when the target’s hull is blown clean through the other side. There are few things that can withstand more than a few dozen seconds of onslaught from this laser. Like the Ion Cannon, this weapon typically renders the ship vulnerable to retaliation for the duration of it’s attack, but it only requires a single minute before it can safely be fired again. Last but not least is the Catalyst Cannon. Only two weapons exist, the Inferior version employed by Admiral Raveshaw and the superior version employed by Maeve herself. This is a weapon of such destructive potential it was only used once to test its functionality. The Catalyst Cannon fires a beam of specific and various radiation which mimics that of Phircyn. It collides and ejects electrons like normal, but instead of capturing them the electrons continue and likely collide with adjacent molecules. If the electons collide at enough force, the molecule loses its electrons as well which collides with adjacent molecules expanding the reaction exponentially. In practice, this means the target is vaporized as the molecules lose cohesion and separate and the effect can spread to adjacent molecules of nearby entities. The violent reaction usually occurs only in minerals like Steel, Iron, Copper, etcetera but as ships, vehicles, structures, and to an extent many organisms, the effect can vaporize an entire fleet. An entire city. Or, if the conditions are right, an entire planet. Hence Only Maeve and her most loyal (and thus trustworthy) Admiral is capable of using this weapon, requiring several failsafes to ensure only they can authorize use of it. When an enemy comes at you with a stick, you grab a bigger stick, and this is the Syndicates’ biggest stick. The Catalyst Cannon sees use in giving one very big reason why no one should do anything drastic against the Syndicate, and so long as it never is used it will be the most effective weapon the Syndicate ever developed. If it is used, it requires a period of one and a half minutes to fire leaving the Annihilation (Admiral Raveshaw’s flagship ship) vulnerable as power is diverted by all non-critical systems. Maeve’s flagship, the Ascension, however has its own dedicated power source for the weapon and does not leave itself vulnerable. [/hider] [/hider]