Elissa managed to give Ray one last good kick before the men pulled him away. While she didn’t say it, Elissa was glad Joseph was holding onto her, she feared she’d fall if he didn’t. She was already losing color in her face. “I’m fine. I’m fine.” She tried to reassure him. “This isn’t the worst injury I’ve received in my life. I doubt it will be the last.” She wobbled on her feet, sure to collapse the moment Joseph let go of her arm. “Let me go!” Rat growled. “She deserved it. She humiliated me, she don’t deserve to live. The captain can negotiate for his ship without her being alive so long as her pa don’t know it. She’s trouble, no woman should know how to fight like that.” He struggled to break free if the men holding him down. William raced off to get the surgeon when Joseph called for him.The surgeon came running from below deck not long after. “What on earth happened here?” He demanded, looking from Elissa to his captain. “Bring her to my quarters, now. Quickly, she looks faint.” Elissa frowned. “I’m fine. I’m not about to faint.” She scowled. “I’m not as delicate as you treat me.” She looked to Joseph. “I can walk myself, don’t get any ideas of carrying me.” She pulled her arm away from him and made it two steps before blacking out and falling to the deck.