Charlotte's eyes shook, and her heart started to race, upon seeing Joseph get closer to the creature. She wanted to stop him; prevent him from getting into Straizo's personal circle, but immediately held her tongue, as she stayed behind the young man. The blonde woman acted fast, out of instinct, by crouching down, once she heard the vampire speak. He suddenly put himself on the offense, making her gasp and shout. "[i]Herr[/i] (Sir) Joestar!" Her eyes widened in shock. Her expression lingered, until it became that of courage and determination. "You preach of knowing limits, but you, Straizo-[i]lieb[/i] (dear), seem to forget the basics", Charlotte said; a smirk appearing on her beautiful features. "I suggest looking up", she gestured to the clock. [i]'Made you look'[/i], the blonde took quick action, and threw something at his Achilles in a particular angle. It was a decent-sized piece of glass. She had managed to discreetly pick it up, upon kneeling down.