[h3][center][color=00a99d]Maréngo[/color] and [color=orchid]Solange[/color][/center][/h3] [hr] The pirate made his way downstairs rubbing his head all the while, trying in vain to soothe the pounding ache. What he wouldn't give for a-- [color=00a99d]"Coffee?"[/color] he said like he was seeing a long lost friend for th first time in years. The delightful scent of spiced coffee drew him in immediately. He made a beeline straight toward Solange and went to grab the source of that welcoming aroma. Some caffeine would surely help him perk up a bit until he could find time to nap off this acursed hangover. If not, at least it would make him feel like he was doing something to reach that goal. Solange's eyebrows perked up as Maréngo reached for the tainted coffee, her own hand moving to snatch it away.  The schemer inside said that it'd be foolish to let the man drink the coffee for number of reasons, but that bitch never let her have any fun. Besides, it wouldn't kill him, at least according to the notes she read and she was fairly certain she had the ingredients for a remedy if need be. She smiled like a fiend and her eyes shined with delight. Her hand slowed, pushing the drink closer to Maréngo. [color=orchid]"Ms. Sheri brewed this herself, love. It's quite good, actually. I was surprised how the flowery notes cut through the acid. Hopefully it holds well,"[/color] she said, shaking her own vial. Despite Maréngo's efforts she could still smell the alcohol and last night's company clinging to him. She shifted on her stool and rested her chin in her hand, giving him a winking side eye. [color=orchid]"Looks like you had an eventful night. I always heard hangovers on the seas are almost as lethal as a wife who found her husband in bed with her own sister. Hopefully your stomach holds well too, darling."[/color] Her devilish smile gave Maréngo pause as he lifted the horn to his lips. He may not be a learned man but he knew a schemer when he saw one. Clearly she thought honeyed words and a pretty face would win him over. Maybe it would, but he'd be sure to keep an eye on her. The small talk distracted him from his beverage and he lowered the horn and returned her smile with a smirk of his own. [color=00a99d]"Only for the unprepared and I'm more than prepared."[/color] [Color=orchid]"For hangovers, surely,"[/color] she said, her eyes glancing down at his untouched drink. [color=orchid]"Although I imagine being a man of the sea you're vastly more prepared for this voyage than the rest of us. I've only ever been on a ship once before."[/color] She twisted a lock of hair around her finger. [color=orchid]"If I ever needed a shoulder to lean on while I secure my sea legs, could I count on yours? I fear the others would not be so kind."[/color] Maréngo hid a frown behind the horn of coffee as he let the pleadently smooth poison wash over his tongue and into his belly. [color=00a99d]"Aye, you can but I'm warnin' you now that I'm not just another sap like poor Percy. I was born at night but not last night, understand?"[/color] He took another long sip of coffee and sighed with content. This was just the thing he needed after last night. Perhaps he could pick up some beans to brew on their voyage. Something to warm his belly and warm the crew up to him. As a seaman himself, he knew how far simple luxuries went with men who might spend weeks away from the comforts on dry land. Solange pretended to be distracted and turned her head as Maréngo took a drink. Her grin was under control when she looked back, as if she was amused by his statement rather than his misfortune. [color=orchid]"Clearly, although I got to say that there's more to poor Percy than meets the eye. Who knows, if we make it back from this journey in one piece and you stick around you might find out that the two of you have quite a bit in common."[/color] She nodded to the coffee. [color=orchid]"It tastes good doesn't it , love? I must find out where Sheri gets her beans."[/color] Maréngo couldn't deny how good the brew was if he wanted to. He nodded and happily sipped his drink really wanting to savor the taste before he committed himself to this voyage. It's the simple pleasure that make life worth living, also the big pleasures. Those were the real reasons he carried on the way he did [color=00a99d]"I'll be sure to look for a good batch of beans if we get a chance to stop by the market."[/color]