C S Template Name: Yabuki Shouji Character Name: Reynald Age:22 Gender: Male WOC: Flail and Sheild Skills: Yabuki's moves with a shield are practically unrivaled. His skill with one-handed weapons isn't anything to scoff at either. These are where most of his skills lie, however, he secretly has a very high cooking skill, and his skills in the appraisal of items and cartography are useful in almost any guild. Weapon Signature moves: Sheild wall, Sheild bash, Whirlwind sweep Weapon Finisher moves: Grit, Rally Looks: [img]https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/43951337_2135754210074513_5829108564496482304_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=fQfPNEPSgZcAX_k5TXt&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&oh=07e86bb7030dff887b0c2a3a1dd4dccd&oe=61681CDE[/img] Background: Shouji was a nobody in the real world. Low grades all through his school career left him less than eager to continue into college. Instead, he struggles to keep a small apartment with his roommate, diligently working long hours. His only solace in the world has been gaming for a while, as he seems to always impress others with his skill in VR games. SAO was no exception, he scraped the money together for the game and immediately began to show up others with his PVP skills. Unfortunately, he stuck here now, left to worry about how his rent would get paid, how his family was taking things. His attention stayed on the situation at hand. Shouji was quick to build a guild and his small group currently does everything they can to help others out. Shouji himself volunteered to be a tank. Most of the people playing the game were younger than him, and had more to live for, so he constantly puts himself in peril for the sake of others. Now he works to keep the player base well equip, feed and his guild is a major factor in unifying players towards taking on the dungeons. Misc: Nope!