[hider=Droka] Name: Droka Age: 124 Gender: Male Dragon Appearance: [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT7nFv4BspB_Q5WC1ZFMHuNKo-v02XAK6pvrw&usqp=CAU[/img] A relatively small dragon, Droka is only 8' tall with a 31' wingspan. While part of this is due to his relatively young age, the sad truth of the matter is that he was always somewhat of a runt when it came to his kind. Covered in beautiful obsidian scales that reflect light with a beautiful sheen to them, it is a point of pride for Droka that if he decides to sit down and stay very still for an extended period of time that he can (and has) been mistaken for an awe-inspiring piece of sculpture. There is a frill that travels from the top of his head to the tip of his tail that takes on a deep red color, contrasting beautifully with his black scales. His eyes are black, a fact that often causes them to blend in with his scales and makes them hard for others to see or figure out what Droka is truly focusing on at a given moment. Human Appearance: [img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/darksouls/images/e/ef/BlackDragonArmorSet.png/revision/latest?cb=20140915002039[/img] Unlike most of those blessed with the ability to take a human form, Droka's form in vastly different due to just how inhuman it is. He has both horns and scales and in truth appears more akin to a human that has managed to acquire dragon features then a normal human; This was intentional in order to lay the groundwork for his great work. The scale like golden armor that covers most of his body is in fact actual armor that can be removed, reveling that his natural flesh is covered in smooth, black scales while the pair of horns on his head remain a dark red. His eyes are still black and dragonic. He does not have wings in this form and his tail is more for balance then anything else as it follows in his wake. Personality Traits: Cunning, Manipulative, Long Seeing, Survivalist, Devote, Romantic Magic/Abilities: A breather of fire and able to fly in his dragon form, Droka's real strengths as far as magic goes lays in illusions and rituals. While his illusionary magic tends to be more complex and powerful when he is in dragon form, he finds the enhanced ability to refine the details of ritual circles and runes that his humanoid form offers him to be a great boon. History: The dragon race was dying. It was a slow death that would take the course of generations to finally come about, but it was a death that was coming all the same. The signs were their and Droka's parents ensured that their son saw them and understood what they meant; Each generation less dragons were born and thus there would be less dragons to create a new generation to follow after them. The fact that there were more male dragons then female in his home region made it difficult to ignore the issue as the young drake matured and discussions turned to him making a family of his own. Exactly why this was happening wasn't that well understood either. Some pointed to there being less of their numbers while others suggested that the ascension of humanity and their push back against magic and nature that was somehow the root of the problem. Regardless, the Masque was clearly not offering a long term solution and appeared content to continue the current state of affairs until there were no dragons left to govern. So Droka spent a lot of his youth thinking of the issues facing his kind and what might be done to solve them. Aware that he was still a child in the eyes of his people, he offered his elders the respect they believed they were due and asked them for their wisdom and guidance about the world and what path he might walk in it, rarely reveling his actual thoughts while they were still in development. When he finally reached adulthood, he left his family behind as expected; He did not however, join in the fight to find a mate and make a family of his own through. Instead he traveled north to Nihn to set the groundwork for his grand design. Slipping into one of the oldest settlements of the region, Droka quickly claimed one of the abandoned manors of the upper crust that had moved to the recently finished capital of Jorgun and got to work prepping the stage for his entrance into the society of the kingdom itself. On the sunset of the second day, the building he had claimed for his plans exploded in a destructive surge of incredible magical power that was heard and seen all throughout the settlement, through the damage itself was limited solely to the estate in question. When the locals came to investigate the wreckage and what caused it, they discovered Droka in his humanoid form... and he had quite the story to tell. He spoke of a simple hedge wizard who started to have visions of rituals and rites that were complex and unknown and beautiful to behold. Of a trance like state as he followed these visions to a location where they claimed the resources he needed could be found. Of the dazed like state in which he completed the final rune and triggered the surge of magic that ascended him beyond his former frail humanity and turned him into something far greater. And finally of a promise that, despite the knowledge of how he achieved the first step towards ascension from human to dragon had been misplaced or destroyed, with time and effort it could be done again... The promises of power (both physical and magical) alongside a major extension of the length of their brief lives were temptations that few salesmen would have struggled to sell to humans and Droka proved a [i]very good[/i] salesman. Before the night was over, he had already developed the groundwork for his grand innovation and established a cult following in Nihn dedicated to the goal of ascending humanity into dragons. Droka has spent the decades since working on building his cult and striving to gather the resources and knowledge needed to achieve his goal of turning humans into dragons; His 'extended lifespan' in that he seems to have barely aged in over fifty years has given his end goal a great deal of weight among Nihn and his following, a lack of success in regards to 'recreating' the process that ascended Droka successfully has risen frustrations within his ranks. Deciding that now seemed like a good time to recruit other dragons to his cause to get more input and rekindle enthusiasm in the project, Droka made a show of having a vision to go on pilgrimage south in order to 'seek out the guidance and wisdom of the ancient dragons of old'. With a cover story in place, Droka has finally started to head back home. [/hider]