[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210907/e0a7941418362497523650ca131548dd.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent] [color=gray][sub][right][color=FFFF00][b]Location:[/b][/color] Angel Grove University, Angel Grove, CA[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] When Ashlee had gotten the call to securely and discreetly analyze [i]data[/i] at Angel Grove University she had been a little suspicious. How often did Professors at third-rate colleges make consultants sign NDAs? Alien rocks. Overheating servers. A swelling, awful gut feeling. Yeah, it all checked out. Essentially, what with Ashlee always being the smartest person in the room, it didn’t take the twenty-six year old much time to figure out something was up. Even before she opened her laptop and got the energy readings she did she knew. The script on the rock slabs on the table to her right would’ve made the ancient Babylonians confused. When the professor was surprised she thought they were from outer space she realized how little he knew about what he had found. She was about to expand on their little conversation when the readings went nova and she had to duck for cover. A happening that very nearly critically injured the older man in front of her. Thankfully, the college professor hired a really good bodyguard, or security consultant, or whatever the proper lingo was for someone who wasn't good enough for police work. Either way, Ashlee was pretty happy that she wouldn't be filling out a police report after her very secretive boss exploded. As she rose from her desk the lights flickered before a backup generator relit the room. [color=FFFF00]“That’s a few thousand dollars out the window.”[/color] Ashlee remarked as she looked at the scene in front of her as she looked at her laptop. [color=FFFF00]“Including my laptop.”[/color] As she waved smoke away from the cracked screen of her laptop the professor returned to his feet with an exasperated look on his face. “Well, that was strange.” [color=FFFF00]“Not the first word I'd use. You okay?”[/color] “Oh, uh, thanks to Briggs here, I am fine.” He said as he immediately moved over to the rocks. “But! What could have… did they…” There was a brief moment of silence. “That has never happened before. They reacted to something… but what in the world could they be reacting to?” [color=2E2C2C]- -[/color] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210915/98f01da82eb467ea81cb69f7c71577ee.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][sub][right][color=black][b]Location:[/b][/color] City Streets, Angel Grove, CA[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] Fhoros didn’t like being ordered around by Iphongar. The two warriors had been at odds with one another for centuries, ever since the Battle of Gelex Prime. Iphongar blamed him for the defeat when it had been Iphongar’s plan that Fhoros was following the entire time. So annoying. If it was a defeat the only one who seemed who was held accountable was him and only him. Especially now after several of their comrades had defected to an opposing faction. It was something he thought about often. Even as he was walki— [color=808000]“Fhoros! Are you even listening to me?!”[/color] [color=teal]“No! I mean yes! What? Ow!”[/color] The blue armor-bearing warrior rubbed the back of his helmet in pain as the taller, brass-armored tactician grabbed his left wrist and slammed a device in his hand. [color=808000]“The energems are in two separate directions. I want you to go after the smaller energy signature while I go after the larger.”[/color] Fhorus winced underneath his helmet as he looked at the radar. His comrade was right and of course he was giving him the paltrier amount to gather. Iphongar always wanted all of the glory and respect. It wasn’t fair. However, even though it wasn’t fair there was no way their Empress would be annoyed by either of them ever again once they delivered the five gems to her hands. It was a plan so easy that even the most meager and pitiful of the imperium could succeed. [color=teal]“What about the Power Rangers?”[/color] [color=808000]“There hasn’t been a power ranger since I destroyed the last one, you idiot. Zoltar is dead. Use your brain. There is no possible way a ranger will appear.”[/color] The taller warrior shook his head as he looked eastward, [color=808000]“Now go. And destroy any humans that get in your way.”[/color] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/E4KC.gif[/img][/center] [color=teal]“Leave it to me.”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]