[img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/209a3568a83a362f32f672c5ef3a10c5/tumblr_nea1naLsSW1s7vfd5o10_500.gif[/img] [i][sub]Caffeine, I'm caffeine. Caffeine, I'm caffeine. I'm a bad dream. I'm a rad scene. I'm a tad mean. But I'm not afraid to take you out. Yo listen up, I hope you like it hot. Grab yourself a mug, 'cause I made a fresh pot. Come and get a dose of my kick-ass java. Fuelin' your addiction with this thick black lava. We can do up an espresso, or the cappuccino way. Sure to get your fix, venti or grande. Sugar, Splenda, Equal, maybe Sweet'N Low. Everybody's happy when they hanging with [@Sloth]; let's go.[/sub][/i]