Adam nodded that he’d stay with her while Joseph got her a clean shirt. He took it from the captain when he returned and quickly changed her shirt. “She May get a small fever, but that’s nothing to worry about. The body often does that while healing, it helps to rid the body of ailments.” He said, wrapping the blanket around Elissa. “She’s coming to. I’ll leave you two to talk and I’ll check on Rat. I’m sure he’s fine, but I’d hate for him to pass before he faces your wrath.” He laughed as he walked out of the room. Elissa was fighting to wake up. “I’m fine, it’s nothing.” She muttered as she slowly opened her eyes. She frowned when she saw Joseph. “Where’s that Rat of yours? I wasn’t finished teaching him a lesson.” She slowly sat up, opening and closing her hand, glad that she had feeling back in it again. “He shot me.” She looked up at Joseph as if wanting to know what he was going to do about it.