[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SNnpJt2.png[/img][/center] Ah. Right. Introductions. The dark-haired man pressed a hand against his chest, feeling for the bump that indicated where his business card holder was, then slipped two fingers inside to retrieve it. There was a quiet click as he opened the container out without bringing it out, before snagging out a simple paper card. It was too dark to make out the details, but there wasn't much to see anyhow. No point in having anything special, when the only people he was going to meet were assholes who cared nothing for decorum and courtesy but whom still expected it out of others. Pinching the corners of the card between his two fingers while squeezing his lunchbox under his right arm, Ohta bowed slightly while offering his card to the long-haired man. [color=ccddee]"Kaneko Ohta. I'll be in your care. I don't believe I caught your name either?"[/color] Though he didn't care, really. Unless the fellow in front of him was rich and magnanimous, his name was likely to be forgotten within the hour.