[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 3: 21/30 Word Count: 569 Location: Al Mamoon Northeast- Rocket Inc Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 22/30[/center] The fight between Braum and Mao did not very well. Braum was just too big and too tough, and besides, he was an ally who wasn't in his right mind. Mao was probably taking it easy on him, or something. Jesse had made that mistake a lot recently, she felt. However Jesse couldn't focus on that, for in front of her very eyes Uncle Sven, the man she had gone out of her way to take alive, was obliterated by Shadow magic. Exasperated, Jesse flung up her hands. Then to make matters worse, even more friendly fire. This time pointed her way. Jesse swore as a large mass of watery spikey arrows engulfed the entire arena. Her Health shield burst as she shielded her eyes from the impact.[i] "Ooow!"[/i] Blood ran down her hand from a cut that had formed there, and Jesse gritted her teeth. Glancing over her shoulder, Mordecai and his bird were still alive. Mao seemed down for the count. The Phantom Thieves had gotten hit hard, too. Jesse didn't even know who to be mad at. Worst of all she wouldn't even be getting a debriefing, and if she did, it wasn't like she could just start firing people. This whole operation was a god damn mess. The sooner she got more of her powers back, the sooner she could stop having to reply on other people so much. Or maybe they would just realise their previous management was shit, and let her take charge. [i](A little over a year ago and the last thing I would want would be people relying on me, but after stepping up as Director, shitshows like this just made me want to start filing spreadsheets. What are we gonna do about all this? This cannot go on.)[/i] That blue villainess escaped into the shadow realm with her pet hedgehog. Joker, the one person here who Jesse was finding she could rely on, had the idea to use Sven's power on Nastasia and Shadow. A morph potion to turn them into small animals and start kicking them around. [i](That sounds wrong.)[/i] Point is, it was a good plan, but their problem was a lack of a reliable way of doing so. They didn't have easy access to the alchemists potions. Jesse approached the 'corpse' of Uncle Sven. Crouching over it, she scooped it up gently in her hand. Fusing with it was a no go. Turning into part spherical cartoon old man sounded absolutely dysphoric. From what Primrose had told her, and from what she had picked up from Mao and Joker, apparently dead or dying people and creatures could be convinced to join a team? Especially since Sven, while alive, had been under double mind control, maybe him helping her wasn't the most outlandish thing in the world. Clearing her throat, Jesse started speaking for the first time this whole fight. "Hey there, uh, potion guy. Listen: I wasn't trying to kill you, right? I was trying to take you alive by making you big. Sorry about that. Your shitty 'teammate', who you probably didn't even like, is the reason you're dead. Join my team, and I'll give you a chance to turn that guy and your evil boss into funny animals as soon as they pop out of that black hole. Then, we win. Oh and, my name's Jesse, by the way." The redhead managed.