[@Martian] I will admit, the idea I was going for was that Droka's 'human form' defaults into a humanoid dragon form because on some deep, central level there is a part of him that refuses to pretend to be human, therefore the closest it can get is something that would be closer to 'dragonkin' in other settings. That being said, if you're not happy with that I can easily just have his 'ascended' form be an illusion. As for the Masque, I feel like the reason that he's managed to escape being hunted down by them is because he hasn't broken the letter of the law; My understanding is that it is taboo to revel that magical creatures can take on a human form, but Droka has created his cult on the principle that humans can become magical creatures. It is also by its nature pro dragon... and I feel like if results towards 'ascension' can be established and proven, the rich and powerful would flock to it in droves. After all, it promises and promotes power and long life while being somewhat light when it comes to morality or values such as 'generosity' or 'charity'.