Dean brought his hand up and brushed his fingers down Mika’s jaw as she laid her head on his shoulder. He took a deep breath and nodded, “Yeah. He didn’t really explode like I expected, but maybe that’s because he saw this coming at some point. I always come back. It was only a matter of time until you came out on the road with me.” He smirked and leaned his head down against hers as she hugged his arm, “I’ll always have your back. And I can’t promise that he’ll still be as forgiving as he is right now, but he’ll let you go…one way or another. You’re not a kid anymore.” Dean furrowed his brow at Mika’s last words, almost wanting to ask what she meant, but a few ideas flew through his mind. Bobby never reacted to surprises well, regardless the circumstance. If you told him you forgot to change the oil on your car until 10,000 miles, it wasn’t uncommon for him to lose his mind, and fly off the handle. “What, like marriage? I think his brain would have exploded, if we told him that.”, he chuckled, and stroked his fingers through her hair, “How’s your face feeling, by the way?”