Mika was glad that she wasn't the only one thinking it could have gone a lot worse than it did, even if it could have gone better at the same time. As much as she adored Bobby and saw him more of a father than just her uncle, she knew just as well as Dean and Sam did that he could be highly unpredictable when it came to what he would explode over. She was just thankful he was a lot more open minded to a broader amount of things than her actual father ever was. "that it was, I wasn't going to stay here forever without you. I think deep down, he knows that as well as we do" she replied, finding comfort in him stoking her jaw. At the 'you're not a kid anymore' comment she couldn't help but smirk, that she most certainly wasn't. Neither of them were, and after everything that life had thrown at them she was certain she hadn't just been a kid for a very long time. She didn't need to look at him either to know he was trying to figure out what she could possibly could have meant by her last comment of 'mundane things' and she chuckled at his idea that came to his mind. That was one thing that came to mind, amongst others. She let him continue talking before chuckling softly, "yeah, knowing him he'd utterly freak out at that, but let's face it, he'd probably prefer that to say, I dunno.. I'm pregnant or something" she pointed out, most definitely not pregnant but could easily imagine how Bobby would react to that news when they were still quite young, "as for my face? It's tender but nothing I can't deal with" she added. Though as she thought about it, the idea of living some mundane life that didn't involve hunting with Dean wasn't all that terrifying, or unappealing. In fact it was greatly the opposite for her. It was just everyone else that seemed to not believe they could do such a thing in their future.