[center][h1]Byakko[/h1] Byakko was careful as he watched the new herd approach. Careful not to look too directly, careful not to completely ignore them. Careful to size them up as much as anyone would in a place like this, but careful not to peer too deep. He was quite aware that out of everyone in this bar, he likely was the one that hung out the most, but that was fine. All part of the game. What was [b]quickly[/b] becoming increasingly annoying however, was that persistent feeling he had in his stomach of being watched himself. More so, he couldn't tell from where. No matter, for now only one thing can be dealt with at a time. [/center] His seating had allowed him a clear view of the door, as well as much of the rest of the small establishment this meeting was being held in. Although, he still felt the approach of the first individual before seeing them. [I]Damn, kids got some aura there. I wouldn't normally feel someone's normal flowing aura through these walls unless I was concentrating. Kid might even have King beat in raw depth. Probably an Enhancer, or one of the neighboring two. Could always be wrong but- Ah, there he is."[/i] Byakko peered out of the side of his eye as the first finally approached, using the actual door. The front damn door. Furthermore, he didn't even bother to restrain from a small chuckle as the small bar lit up momentarily with snickers and laughs at the loud exclamation the young boy had made. [I]"Massive aura, zero tact. Guess things balance themselves out in this world after all. Well, here we go."[/i] Byakko thought to himself as he shot the bartender a glance, a movement that couldn't truly be noticed under the cloak, slightly motioning to the boy with his eyes and a tiny jerk of the head. Byakko had thought on his curiosity over whether this had always been the meeting ground or not. While the rather unique properties of this shady little bar were certainly quite useful, there were other similar establishments with functions that could be useful as well. And while he momentarily thought up a few other ways this could go had their current barkeep not been one of such distinct talent, he was thankful that things could be kept much simpler. After catching the small gesture given to him, the bartender stood from his seat at the far side of his bar and made his way closer to the door. After closing the small gap between them enough not to have to shout over the low music, the barkeep began to speak to the boy. "Look kid, I'm not sure what your here deal is here, kid. But I can't be having kids in me's here bar, okay kid? Imma have tah here ask yahs to wait for me's until I can get an positive ID's for yahs, since yah stepped foot in the bar already. Policly an all, yah understand. An it's late, I can't be having yahs yellin round here and giving me's customer's head hurtin's. I got to be sending yahs to the dungeons fah that. Sorry, kid. Just, wait around when ya gets there..." The bartender finally finished his long strange ramble, and it was also at this time the second boy had finished his approach. And consequently, struck Byakko's attention at just the wrong time. [I]"Well, he's got a much smoother aura at least, but doesn't seem to want to commit. Let's see how it goes for him."[/i] He thought before clearing his throat quite loudly, chuckling to himself slightly as he cast his eyes further back, at the boy who had only just approached. This caused the barkeep to glace over his shoulder, looking back towards the door and behind the first boy, shrugging as his eyes rolled slightly before opening his mouth to say, "Watch yahs drinks everyone." Various grumbles and even a few complaints at Provoke's expense resounded through the small establishment. Though before truly having a chance to respond, the barkeep clamped his hands together in a loud clap and suddenly the ground began to rumble. For only a moment things began viscous, the tables began to quiver on their legs and accumulated dust flew from well, everywhere, and then as quickly as it came it had passed. As it did, a hole had opened up under the feet of the first boy who had entered the bar, almost six feet in diameter stretching back towards the second. This gave Provoke no room to escape, and did not leave much for Lyle either, only a lightning fast reaction able to save him before the hole closed back up. Byakko sighed to himself, relaxing momentarily as he sat back down to await the next round of individuals, casting his gaze towards the door once again to see if the other boy had made it out of the way before being swallowed up. Only then was it that he had noticed the girl in the maids outfit, who stepped in momentarily after the other two. [I]How.. What is she doing here, did they get new staff here? No.. Her aura is definitely flowing, but.. so quietly. I wonder where she's from, or what kin of training she's gotten to keep her aura so reserved naturally. I guess we'll see if she picks up on who she's supposed to be meeting here, or maybe she'll leave after seeing that happen. Game continues, I suppose.[/i] [center][img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/evil/images/0/08/The_Dungeons.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150402181347[/img] [/center] As a result of this particular establishment and its rather peculiar owner, Provoke, and possibly Lyle, were sent tumbling down a mudslide which had opened directly under his feet, too wide to be escaped. What greeted him was a corridor about forty feet in length and another thirty in width. A door sat at the opposite end, as well as two opposing on each side. Half a dozen torches flickered around the large corrider. Each of the five doors having a different shape embroidered on the front of them. Nothing else represented itself in this room.