As their legs and lungs started to burn, Jin came to the discomfiting realization that they could not run forever. Not used to large amounts of running left their body aching for oxygen. Already they were flagging slightly. With the last big burst of strength they had, they darted a hard right, separating from the rest of the group. Jin doubted the rest of them would even notice. They were all strangers, after all – every man, woman, and otherwise, for themselves. That was the way of life. So it was without guilt that Jin split from the rest, aiming for the dark corners of the prison. The strange storks continued after the bulk of the group, which made complete sense to Jin. However, one monster did break off from the flock to hurry after Jin. “Dammit…” They wasted precious oxygen expressing their disappointment. More running, more chasing. Jin didn’t know how long it went for. The reprieve came without warning. A dark room with what looked like an open door, and the monster bird had not yet rounded the corner. Jin practically stumbled in, hurriedly diving into a patch of shadow that they just seemed to melt into. Thank goodness the maintenance jumpsuit was a dark gray-blue. It blended very nicely. Jin watched through tired eyes as the bird peered around, and…. Passed right by. Jin didn’t dare do much more than exhale as softly as possible and slump to their knees. As their eyes began to adjust, they realized they may have made a major mistake. The dull, gray bars. No windows. This was a cell. Fuck, they had run all this way only to jail themselves? But it was far too late. Their legs had all but given out, and getting up again proved impossible. Jin was just too tired. So, this cell would have to do.