[@dabombjk]: Okay, analysis time. [list][*]Honestly, biggest problem? Luck. I [i]greatly[/i] dislike luck as a mechanic, both in game as a raw stat and as an RP mechanism. In the former, it's either completely useless or the most OP thing ever, and in the latter, it's walking plot armor central. I would prefer those RNG elements excised out. This is mainly with regards to that item the character has mentioned in the 'Other' section, but I would also like to see 'Gambler' retooled or remade entirely, as I do not believe it conducive to gameplay in-universe to have literal card counting as a combat mechanic, regardless of how much theoretical play the class would see. Tarot Card Reader should also go. [*]The 'Thief' hider is broken and the information outside of it. On that note, both 'Thief' and 'Magician' are [i]very[/i] vague (and the latter section of the thief's description is subjective at best). We have multiple varieties of mage in the RP already (three, actually), for example, and all of them are different thematically from one another. In other words, you need to be both clearer about capabilities and have a proper direction rather than an archetype for a class. [*]That latter half of the personality is... Worrisome, and that's putting it lightly. Honestly, I did not intend for free open-world PvP in the game during conceptualization, and even putting that aside, that sort of deliberate verbal harassment or intentional griefing and ruining other players' experiences sounds like a one way trip to GM intervention town. Not to say that those sort of people might not exist after the shift, but prior? I'd guarantee they'd have an insanely bad reputation among players if not outright gone at this point.[/list] That's... About it, really.