[hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/d7Jx3Z3/my-toe.png[/img][h3]Railyard[/h3][hr][sub]Mentions:[@Yankee][/sub][/center] Shinichi yawned, standing atop a rusted railcar in the quieter parts of Fuyuki's rail-yard. The tracks themselves were cut off from any of the main train routes, and were filled with abandoned cars. Why Shinichi had climbed one was nobody's business, really. Perhaps he wanted a better vantage point to spot any opposition, or maybe he just wanted to stand above the unkept masses who made their homes in these railcars. Speaking of those unkept masses... "[color=3366CC]Feel free to eat up until you're satisfied, Berserker. These malcontents are naught but a blight to this city, anyway.[/color]" Shinichi stated with disdain, looking towards a plume of smoke not too far off, emitting from a flaming barrel surrounded by vagrants. A look of disdain washed over his face. "[color=3366CC]I'm sure there are others hiding around, as well. Like rats, really. Be sure to check every nook and cranny.[/color]" As Berserker was let loose, the Matou heir began to get to work as well. He clutched his staff in his right hand, softly waving it in the sky and allowing the bell atop it to ring a gentle song. As he had done so, dozens of larvae would begin to fall down from Shinichi's right pants leg. As they squirmed around on the ground, Shinichi would bend over to pick a handful of them up, softly soothing them like they were his mere infants. Shinichi would then crush the worms together, molding and shaping them like clay until they took on the form of winged lifeforms. Even with one hand, the Matou was able to shape their flesh with ease, their forms made perfect up to the very detail. Their membranous wings would flutter lightly as many large, almost human-like eyes would open around their bodies. Familiars made with the purpose of scanning out the rest of the area. Shinichi had a feeling that the ruckus Berserker would cause might draw some attention, after all.