[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210322/0b23f9bc21dfbf8ef4bc157b95a9fd32.png[/img] [sub][color=4169E1][b]Location —[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6]Uncle’s Home[/color][/sub] [color=6ecff6][sup][b]______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/b][/sup][/color][/center] She was beginning to believe that she had been tricked into returning to Angel Grove which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing but Jordan hated feeling like she had egg on her face. The only reason for not voicing her complaints as of yet was out of love for her Uncle but that was about it. It was his only saving grace from her wrath because he had scared her, claiming to be unwell and pressing on her emotions to make her cave in, drop everything at the drop of a dime to return home. There were other ways to get her attention then being so dramatic but maybe that is where she got some of her own personality from since she had been known to do the same or worse. Either way, she still found herself alone while he went gallivanting and having a “boys day” or whatever it was he had said. All she knew was he was playing poker and having a good time while she was stuck home trying to find a job and a new place to live because like hell she would be living with her Uncle for the foreseeable future or continuing to be a mooch. She didn’t care what other people thought for her but she still had self respect and living with basically your parent at this age was just not on the top of her list of accomplishments or wants. Either way, she decided to finally pause on a full day of searching and actually get some food in her since that had been pushed to the wayside for what she viewed as more important matters. Opening the fridge, she gave a frown as she leaned against the door and debated if she really wanted anything they had or better yet to even spend time cooking. [color=4169E1]”Fuck it, I’m ordering delivery.”[/color], Jordan muttered under her breath as she slammed the door shut before yanking her phone out of her pocket. She automatically pulled up the Panda Express website, a go to for her usual delivery needs since she didn’t want a shit ton of leftovers and quickly shot in her favorited items, paying for her delivery. She seriously hoped it would arrive soon because she was practically starving now with nothing to distract her. Honestly, she could have thanked anyone above that it was close by but who knows if she would get lucky enough for someone to be able to snag it right away. [indent][indent][indent] [indent][indent][indent][table=bordered][cell][color=gray][sub] [color=228b22][i] Levi Forrester has accepted your order[/i][/color] [/sub][/color][/cell][/table][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=4169E1]”Huh, well butter my butt and call me a biscuit….someone actually responded right away. I might have to fucking kiss them for making my day.”[/color], Jordan smiled, pleasantly shocked in her tone. She tossed her phone onto the table and decided to keep herself entertained with some [s]chores[/s] busy work that needed to be completed around the house while waiting, cursing her Uncle’s name now and then as she did. Time passed and the order had mostly been forgotten and pushed in the back of her mind, the messages buzzing away and completely lost in the other room which was unfortunate seeing how the deliverer decided to snag her attention. Instead of a simple knock, they had decided to ring the doorbell which normally would have been fine, had Jordan been expecting it and also not half way in a dryer before flinching. [color=4169E1][b][i]”SON OF A BITCH!!”[/i][/b][/color], she loudly hissed in pure irritation since she had fully smacked her head on the top portion because she had been pulling out clothes during said flinch. It didn’t help that the fucker outside had decided that the doorbell was a freaking alarm to smash on repeat. [color=4169E1][b]”ALRIGHT! HOLD YOUR HORSES!”[/b][/color], she called out, before continuing to herself, [color=4169E1]”Seriously, it's not like the world is ending....”[/color]. Finally making it to the door, she yanked it open and was almost glad to see the back of her deliverer, no longer feeling the giddy excitement that she had at the beginning of her order and glad she could just get her food without the hassle of a conversation. She bent down to snag her food, not caring about the practically doorbell ditching he had done when she finally stood but paused before going back inside. [i]’Why the heck does this smell like orange chicken?”[/i], she thought, feeling crushing disappointment rising up in her gut as she checked the box only to find that, yeah, this was completely the wrong order. Jordan was a little more than unpleased to say the least as she closed the box back up and glanced up to a rather handsome face that was trying to be sincere but currently she was thinking how much she just wanted to smack him upside the head. [color=4169E1]”Got better places to be, Lee? Cause right now, I am standing here with a freaking headache from the insistent ringing, only to find my order completely wrong, and you seemed practically ready to run. I get that I’m hardly important but why even take the stop if you couldn’t manage it?”[/color], Jordan asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm at first before just showing her pure annoyance and frustration at the mishap. Sure, she could have handled it better but she was hangry, no one would blame her for that! Hell, he was lucky she was keeping her cool so well since she was….fiery at best.