[h3] Dean and Anna [/h3] Dean sighed, and threw his hands up as Mika mentioned that their only demon ally might actually be getting lunch, instead of showing up at the motel. He stepped over to Sam, and handed him the piece of paper in his hands. It had what info he needed to give the others, while they all regrouped and gathered their supplies. “You’re gonna need your suit.”, he muttered to Sam, patting him on the chest, before squeezing Nat’s shoulder. He turned to Mika and gestured for her to follow him to get their rooms. This was definitely an FBI situation, as it was the only believable police presence they could manage without using local PD. After grabbing the room keys from reception, Dean came back to the group, and handed Nat her key, before Annabeth took the other key from his hands. She narrowed her eyes at him and he shrugged, “I figured your first trip out on the road…you would rather be with Sam than any of us. Don’t thank me.” Annabeth couldn’t help but sigh with relief a bit as she saw a tiny bit of softness in Dean’s gaze. He was betraying himself with his own expressions, trying to keep Sam’s mind straight, as well as keep her as close to Sam as possible, since he was still adamant about her being his brother’s problem. “Well, I guess we’re bunk mates.”, she muttered, stepping up to Sam, and jiggling the key in front of him. She smiled softly, not sure if he would be quite so excited, considering they were still figuring things out. Dean rejoined Mika and handed her their key, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He pulled her into his side and sighed, “Did you learn anything about her, on the drive? Sam seems to think she’s a precious little thing that can’t harm anyone…but I’m not so sure.” [h3] Cason [/h3] Cason flinched as he heard the crunch of the demon’s nose when Esme head butted him. He smirked and opened his eyes, panting as he watched her face. The wild smirk was exciting, if he was honest. It gave him hope that they could get out of this, because she was incredibly tough. As if his feelings for her weren’t ridiculous enough, now he saw her on his own level…hard to kill and tough as hell. When the demon punched her, Cason closed his eyes again and sighed painfully, working at the restraints around him. He couldn’t leave the devil’s trap, but he could at least fight his way to a weapon. He turned his head to the side, attempting to ignore the sounds in front of him to concentrate on getting himself free of his restraints. He began shaking as he fought against them, and tried to leave the circle through teleportation. He straightened, almost screaming as he fought to teleport, “I’m going to kill every single fucking one of you. I swear. I will rip you from your bodies. I will crush you!” As the demon wrenched his face up, and threatened him, he growled reluctantly opening his eyes to look at Esme. He gasped at the blood flowing from the knife wound in her shoulder, as that same knife had become embedded into her thigh. He gritted his teeth, barely able to look at her, as the demon pushed the flame closer to her chest, “Don’t! Don’t. Wait. Kill me. That will make you feel better, right? If you let her go, I have contact with an angel. I can get you a blade. You can kill me. Please!” The demon holding his face stared down at him and scoffed, “You’re pathetic. You’re going back to Hell either way, if we don’t kill you first. Don’t worry sweetheart. This isn’t a negotiation on who feels the pain of what you’ve done.”. He tangled his fingers in Cason’s hair, and held his head steady, “I’m just hoping she doesn’t give out on us before we get to hear that sweet little thing squeal.” As the demon stepped forward, bringing the flame against Esme’s skin, it blackened and sizzled quickly, but he suddenly stepped back with a gasp, followed by a loud squish. Dropping the torch, he brought two shaky hands up to his face, and steam emitted from his now empty eye socket. Sticking out of the hole was a screwdriver, salt and holy water dripping from the handle. “What the hell? Who the hell are you?”, The demon holding Cason asked, letting go of Cason’s hair and taking a step back. He couldn’t leave the devil’s trap and so he stood close to the chair and leaned his head back, smoking out before the blonde man could approach him with a large knife, covered the same way as the screwdriver. Cason lifted his eyes to stare up at the man. He was tall, somewhere around the younger Winchester’s height and blonde, with blue eyes that only held excitement in what he was doing. A plain black cowboy hat was perched on his head, contrasting with his white t-shirt and jeans. “Do I know you?”, Cason asked, as the man stepped over to the other demon and drug him into the devil’s trap. He didn’t say anything at first, untying Cason’s arms as the other demon smoked out like a coward, realizing he was trapped with a capable hunter. Shrugging his shoulders in disappointment that both demons were gone, the man finished with the ropes, and gestured for Cason to leave the circle, “I can’t. Demon.” “Demon?”, the man finally spoke in a deep southern accent, “What are the Winchesters doing pallin’ around with demons? Should I let you out?” “I guess I’m a good demon. I really need you to let me out though. Please. I need to get to her.”, Cason practically begged, causing the other man to raise his eyebrows in surprise. He scuffed his boot roughly against the paint on the floor, and broke the trap, causing Cason to instantly run to Esme. He was careful where he touched her as he knelt between her legs and lifted her chin to look at him, “Esme. Hey sweetheart. I’ve got you. I got you. I’m gonna take care of you.”