Ingram climbed down from the cockpit of his MAS, tossing his helmet over to a tech as they came running over to service the squadron’s machines. Spotting the medical team running towards the Coalition MAS docked in one of the Roanoke’s hangar bays, Ingram sighed. As Ingram was making his way across the hangar, a hoarse voice raised itself above the din of the Roanoke’s ‘RTB Response’ protocol teams. “Boss!” Aleks gave a shout, beckoning him over. “We got to talk!” Aleks didn’t look particularly happy, but it was the curt, measured, precise tension with which he moved that really made it obvious - Aleks was annoyed. Not quite enough to be angry, but more than just irritated or frustrated, and as he glanced over towards the princess as she was tended to by medical staff, it was also obvious why. Ingram paused, looking over at his second for a moment. Ingram’s eyes narrowed, following Alek’s vision and finding the target of his frustrations, then turning back to the man. He sighed and walked over- beckoning with a shift of his head towards a more secluded corner of the hangar. Not that the hangar was in any way secluded, but out of the way of running technicians and engineers, more or less outside the din of machinery and people. [color=lightblue]”Concerns regarding our new guest?”[/color] Ingram half asked, half stated as fact. He knew Alek’s well enough at this point to read the frustrations on his face- hence part of the reason why he dragged them off to a more private corner of the hangar. [color=lightblue]”Speak openly- I know you’re going to anyway.”[/color] Aleks nodded. "We need to decide what we're doing about her, as an authority. I don't want her giving orders and circumventing chain of command, especially if she doesn't know how to do so effectively." [color=lightblue]”Yeah, I know.[/color] Ingram sighed, shooting a look over at the medical team standing underneath the Coalition Helheimer. [color=lightblue]”Royals can be a finicky bunch- they’re used to getting their way. I’ll talk to her, maybe she’ll listen.” “Unfortunately for us, she [i]is[/i] within our Chain of Command,”[/color] Ingram added, pulling out his holopad and flicking over to a classified document. Technically not for Aleks’ eyes, but it wasn’t the first time Ingram had fudged some rules when it came to talking to Aleks. Legal jargon aside, the document more or less stated that command and control of part of the 5th fleet was being transferred- the Roanoke in particular, was being handed over to Princess Aurelia, forming their own battlegroup within the fleet. Their purpose and operations- hitherto undisclosed. [color=lightblue]”Technically, [i]she’s[/i] the boss now. But I understand what you mean- interrupting and giving conflicting orders during an operation is no good for anyone. It's a good way of getting us killed.”[/color] Aleks blinked thrice in rapid, dumbfounded succession. "Some of the others will not like this. Her highness will have serious trouble earning respect after…" Aleks searched for the word, his face twisting in frustration as he found that he lacked it, "... all of this. This is saying nothing of how her presence will affect Abigail and her situation." [color=lightblue]Yeah, I know. The Roanoke isn’t a big ship either. As far as [i]that[/i] situation goes, we’ll have to play by ear. I was anticipating receiving commands from a Royal, not necessarily having her on board while the orders were given.”[/color] Ingram replied, slipping his holopad back into his pocket. Aleks rubbed his chin through his beard, shaking his head, tense as steel wire. "Thank you for showing me the orders. I would like to come with you to speak with her, and I would like us to have a longer and serious conversation about this later on." [color=lightblue]”Only if you play nice.”[/color] Ingram responded, his head turning to shoot a glance at the subject of their discussion- still in the middle of her impromptu medical examination. [color=lightblue]The last thing any of us need is conflict [i]on[/i] the ship as well as off it.”[/color] The Savolax sniper inhaled sharply, then exhaled slowly, gradually relaxing, resting his hands on his hips. It was one of the more unusual things about Deadeye - how quickly he went from genuine slaughter and extreme violence to chill calm - but it was better than seeing him angry. "How do you feel about this?" He asked Ingram after a moment. Ingram was silent for a moment, his mind in quiet contemplation despite the din of the maintenance crews running by them. He pulled a flash out of his pocket and took a swig out of it, his face scrunching for a moment before offering it to Aleks. It was a Gansu-Special, some concoction that Gansu had invented some time ago. Capable of putting an adult man on the ground in moments, it was a favorite of the 7th. [color=lightblue]”I think she means well- for a Royal anyway.”[/color] Ingram admitted, [color=lightblue]”Even if it wasn’t ideal, necessary or even warranted, the point was that she was trying to shield and cover a damaged squadmate. That’s more than can be said about most nobility.”[/color] [color=lightblue]”She has a lot to learn, but at least she’s not arrogant about it. She’s malleable. [i]When[/i] to interfere and when to do as you’re told can be taught. The instinct cannot. Rookie mistake with the tactical situation as it was, but mistakes can be fixed, and we can keep tactical control away from her easily enough. There are worse Royals to be working under by [i]far[/i].”[/color] Ingram pointed out. [color=lightblue]”Do I like that we’re in this situation? No, absolutely not. It's hard enough keeping everyone alive without having to worry about the whims of a Royal to boot.”[/color] [color=lightblue]”But we’ll figure a way through it- we always do.”[/color] Ingram concluded with a short sigh, [color=lightblue]”And if worse comes to worst? Well, at least I can’t hear you tell me ‘I told you so’ when I’m 6 feet under.”[/color] Aleks nodded solemnly. “You are mistaken; if we share a grave, that’s all you will hear. Alright, let’s go speak to her highness, I will probably be quiet and let you do the talking - if I have anything to say, I will make sure to be diplomatic.”