[u][b]Ink[/b][/u] 'One of the Three Kings' he says. 'Most powerful monsters to have ever been slain by man', he says. Elpidio is a practiced con artist. Intentional or not, he has a tendency to overstate his own excitement when it comes to monsters. To begin with, his description of the Three Kings has 2 qualifiers, along with a level of uncertainty. His own words of praise imply that stronger demons have been slain, and that not only are there stronger monsters out there, but the monster he's asking them to take care of is already well-trodden ground. Furthermore, with abilities like Ink's own out there, the phrase 'most powerful' becomes a lot more subjective, and to top it all off, there's no guarantee that the statement in question is correct at all. Plenty of mediums don't have the luxury of having the circumstances of their death verified. All in all, there's zero reason to buy into Elpidio's 'for glory' pitch, which is just as well since Ink doesn't give a rat's ass about fame or recognition. What kind of name is Rex Caelistis anyway? It's true that most monsters don't get popular names, and thus end up with whatever latin mess Elpidio or other cryptozoologists slap on them, but Ink knows enough about the names of dinosaurs and RPG characters/settings that never stop getting sequels to know that it means 'King of the Heavens'. It's the kind of name that screams 'exaggerated myth', or alternatively, 'Elpidio wants to market the latest addition to the daemon program in the most over-the-top manner possible.' Either way, it's stupid, and Ink decides he's calling it the flying chameleon from now on. Setting aside Ink's motive to participate, it's hard to tell if this is even a job for him to begin with. A lot of monsters use magic to avoid the issues inherent in biological systems. Snakes have to control the amount of venom they inject because if they don't, they'll run out of it and can take quite a while to replenish their supply. Dragons are especially suspect because some of them use specialized organs instead of magic. Magic is almost universally a more logistically sound option, but since they're conceived through completely mundane animals, it's impossible to know until a magic circle forms... or doesn't. [color=#a6bad9]"[/color]This doesn't seem like my kind of job.[color=#a6bad9]"[/color] Elpidio immediately interjects. "[i]Au contraire,[/i] I think it's the perfect job to add to your resume, if only to flaunt it in the face of your detractors." Ink responds in a monotone voice, completely expressionless. [color=#a6bad9]"[/color]My 'detractors' can go suck a dick.[color=#a6bad9]"[/color] "How about doing it for your career?" [color=#a6bad9]"[/color]I'm fine where I am, thanks.[color=#a6bad9]"[/color] "Then, for the good of Agartha?" [color=#a6bad9]"[/color]Elpidio, you're acting like this is the first time we've met.[color=#a6bad9]"[/color] "I'm just messing with you. I'll have a box of the usual delivered." It's about what Ink was expecting. [color=#a6bad9]"[/color]Throw in a bottle of Vodka while you're at it.[color=#a6bad9]"[/color] Elpidio gives him a wry smile. "Not enough on hand to go day-drinking with?" Ink puts one hand over his chest in an exaggerated manner, feigning offense. [color=#a6bad9]"[/color][i]Why, I'd never! Alcohol upon a Paladin's lips? [b]Obviously[/b] it's a necessity for watering my houseplants.[/i][color=#a6bad9]"[/color] "Do you even own any houseplants?" [color=#a6bad9]"[/color]One. It's imaginary, and made of plastic.[color=#a6bad9]"[/color] "Marvelous."