Kay nodded at Bane's words before giving John a look as she got pulled into the kitchen. Once in there, she watched as Sam closed the door behind them both and stood in the way, but not so close that she would get hit by the door if it were to open from the other side. "Right, start talking because clearly you're holding information back from me. We've been friends since we were toddlers pretty much, sisters since we were nine years old. So spill, please and don't give me some bullshit story" Sam told Kay sternly, folding her arms across her chest. Kay sighed and paced back and forth before pausing over her centre worktop, placing her hands firmly on the surface, staring down at it. "it's complicated Sam, and I want you to remain safe so I'd rather not tell you everything" Kay replied which got a scoff from Sam. "....fine. I don't know how to tell you everything, but you did hear right when Bane mentioned vines doing the injuries to Serena and John out there" Kay began explaining. Sam rose an eyebrow, "There's things in this world that aren't all sunshine and rainbows. There's magic in this world and not the good kind, demons, monsters...mythical beings...." Kay began explaining. "I told you not to lie to me Kay!" Sam replied, trying to keep her voice down. "I'm not lying to you Sam! Ethan was possessed by a demon and it's demons that are after me. Hunting me. John and Serena saved my life when demons almost got me. I've been living on the streets, running all this time because if demons or anything else nasty in the world get me, I'm going to Hell...literal Hell." Kay explained, trying not to cry as she said the words out loud. "Why would they be after you Kay? You're just you!" Sam asked, still not believing it. "because I'm not human! Not fully" Kay partially snapped in a forced hushed tone. "what are you talking about!?" Sam asked, "I'm a phoenix...the last of my kind" Kay watched Sam intently as she said the words, letting them compute into Sam's mind, but it didn't go as well as she had hoped. "I-I can't deal with this" Sam stammered, walking away into the hallway. "Damn it Kay" Kay complained to herself, slamming her hand on the worktop before seeing her hands shake.