This had been a mistake. That was Candice’s primary thought as she sat there, one of apparently only a few Mediums in the whole city who had bothered to answer the message about some kind of training opportunity. Either they knew something she didn’t or the message hadn’t been as widely spread as she had thought. She didn’t know much about Executive Elpidio it had to be said, one of the downsides of staying as far away from the city as she could as often as she could was not knowing much of what went on when she was away, so she hadn’t known what to expect upon arriving. Even so a quiet, closed door meeting in the executive’s office with only a handful of people was not high on her list; especially not when one of those people was the Blue bloody Bombadier. That was a name even she knew and though the other two mediums in the room were unknown to her, they had the aura of people that had names that people cared to know. For this mystery assignment to attract so small yet so illustrious a crowd, it was looking more and more like the kind of thing that might attract a lot of attention to those involved. The good kind of attention, the ‘job well done, we expect good things from you in the future’ kind of attention, the ‘hey I know you, you did that thing’ attention; that was to say the kind of attention that Candice usually tried to avoid. The details didn’t make it any better. A dragon, a monster of such renown that it had a reputation and a [i]name[/i]; killing one was apparently such a big deal that the last people to do so were remembered for their deed. This had really been a mistake. Just end her now and be done with it. One by one the other mediums in the room accepted the missions; some eager, one reluctantly. The executive had pushed the latter for an answer so hard that it didn’t seem like she would be able to turn this offer down so easily. Great. The eccentric bastard wasn’t going to take no for an answer it seemed. Well, she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. “If I do this, what’s in it for me?”