this is what i got so far. i still have to work on history and personality. [hider=Nari] [hider=dragon appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=human appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Name: Nari Age: 71 Gender: Female [b]Dragon appearance: [/b] While in dragon form she has a 49 ft wingspan, is 65 ft in length and 18 ft in height. She has a rigid face largely made up of bone, with large horns on the skull and large spikes covering the vertebrae. Together they form good protection to the spine. she has a powerful jaw which is prominently used to snap bone and grab targets. her teeth are slightly blunt while the incisor teeth are relatively small. the arms are fitted with additional spikes on the elbows while the claws feature sharp talons. The hind legs are fitted with similar talons. On the tail end more spikes can be seen. they can give a tail-whip a concentrated force of impact, enabling them to cut materials when enough force is applied. The body is overall muscular, sturdy and covered with tough scales. Its shape is rather generic, with a slightly increased body length because of the long tail. Her small wingspan length, limits her flying capabilities and in order to compensate, the muscles are mostly made up of slow twitch muscle fibers, increasing total flight distance while further decreasing top speed and mobility including climb speed. The joints and body structure do not allow for stationary flight motion. [b]human appearance:[/b] her human appearance somewhat reflects her current age conversed into human standards, looking just a moments notice away from maturity. [b]personality traits[/b] Shy, timid, reserved, polite, aloof, a bit deadpan. description (wip) [b]Magic/abilities:[/b] In dragon form she's able to spew fire, and has increased vitality and strength. she's of relatively large size and has good mobility on land but limited mobility in mid-air. Beside this she has the ability of Power bestowal and sharing. The ability to transfer her strength and vitality with multiple individuals including other beings that arenĀ“t dragons. All power shared with others gets transferred and removed from the dragon. Initial usage costs a lot of energy and time and the same applies when withdrawing the power that was initially lend out. In human form her abilities manifest by increasing strength and vitality to a fraction of her dragon form. Enabling her to break metal and send humans flying, while swords have trouble slicing through flesh and are unable to sever bone. [b]History:[/b] the province of Kaelis (wip) [/hider]