~[@13org] (ADA), [@Restalaan] (DIT), [@AzureKnight] (NAG)~ [u]Ditzy[/u] took the captive man and tossed him over to [u]Nagare's[/u] back. His hands and feet were bound and had a cloth sack over his head, preventing the guild from identifying him for now. After that, the guild embarked on the Ice Dragon's back and she took off. The band of warrior monster girls left behind could only watch and curse the fleeing group. - The flight to the Guild HQ was peaceful, giving the group some much needed respite and even a nice view of the setting sun. Reed crawled forward to get close enough to [u]Nagare's[/u] head. "[color=steelblue]Hey, uhh, I just want to say that I'm sorry... for all that earlier.[/color]" He began. "[color=steelblue]I... I knew that you wanted to face that band alone but I, uhh, suggested that the rest of us help you out with a surprise attack.[/color]" Sir Reed continued. "[color=steelblue]Err, I know that was dishonorable and uhh, you probably didn't appreciate that 'cause that looked like we-- I didn't believe in you, but rest assured I did it all to ensure that all of us comes back in one piece. Mostly.[/color]" "[color=steelblue]I-I'll make it up to you, okay? Anything you want to do, just name it. I'll fulfill it as best a I can.[/color]" [hr] ~[@Rezod92], [@Restalaan] (YNG), [@13org] (FYR), [@Stern Algorithm]~ The group all gathered to the entrance doors after hearing the sound of armored boots. The doors opened, and only [u]Yang[/u] and [u]Kira[/u] were on their guards. A figure entered, a familiar one. "[color=f26522]Huh?[/color]" Bart was confused at the crowd on the doors. "[color=f26522]Is this... a welcoming party? If it is, it's pretty bad.[/color]" He remarked, confused at the whole situation. "[color=f26522]Are you all waiting for me to tell me something? Well, I'm here now.[/color]" The guild leader's boots were of leather, not a single part of it was armored. And it appeared that Bart had arrived alone. Or did he? --- ~[@Rezod92], [@Restalaan] (YNG & DIT), [@13org] (FYR & ADA), [@Stern Algorithm], [@AzureKnight] (NAG)~ The group riding [u]Nagare's[/u] back had finally arrived at their HQ. But as they neared their destination, they would see a large, hooded figure walking away from the Guild. The obscured figure would spare the Ice Dragon a brief glance before continuing on the way. After [u]Nagare[/u] landed, Reed would be the first to disembark along with the hostage. "[color=steelblue]I'll handle this guy. You all head inside and get some rest. Gods know we all need it.[/color]" He told the others as he began untying the captive. "[color=steelblue]I'll catch up, okay? Say hi to the others for me.[/color]" They had arrived several moments after Bart had. [hr] [b]Help, Wanted 2[/b] ~[@AzureKnight] (VRA)~ [quote=Vară Riemsianne][color=ed1c24]“Neil, please forgive me. I don’t think that the mayor or the Blue-Eyed Savior are going to be too happy with me...” [/color][/quote] Neil took a look at the rubble that was once the town hall and winced at the sight. "W-Well, I-I'm sure they'll understand... I hope. Besides, they called us here to deal with Ian, ri--" He stopped suddenly, realizing the error he made. "No, no they didn't. It was Ian who called us here. It was him who wrote the request, didn't he?" The pieces weren't lining up for Neil. "Typically you'd want your theft to be discreet as possible, right? Why would he then call us here to investigate? He even pointed us to the witnesses who definitely pointed to his direction. Why didn't he bother to cover up his tracks?" The townspeople were still digging through the debris when Ian burst out from a pile of rubble, covered in dust but seemed no less for wear. He shook his head, shaking off the dust from his helmet, before seeing Neil and [u]Vară[/u]. "Oh! Hi, you two!" The armored man happily waved at the two guild members. Neil parted from the Flame Demon to walk over to Ian and seize him by the neck. The robber made no attempt to resist. "I demand an explanation, you little sneak!" The townspeople of Ambran gathered over to watch the exchange. "[color=ivory]What do you need an explanation for? I stole stuff, you caught me, quest over![/color]" Ian made no attempt to deny his crime, happily confessing it for all to hear. Like what Neil said, his actions as a thief made no sense. "Don't play dumb! The things you did don't add up!" Neil continued to interrogate Ian. Meanwhile, the Dhampir witness that [u]Vară[/u] met earlier arrived and approached the scene. "[color=9e0b0f]Whoooaaa. What happened here? Looks like I missed something big.[/color]" She asked the Flame Demon.