Julia helped the bound and gagged man up into a sitting position, then removed the canvas bag hood from over his head and shoulders. As he blinked his eyes, trying to regain focus after having spent nearly three hours unconscious, Julia backed away a couple of steps. "Sorry if the bag smelled," she apologized. "It's for collecting mushrooms and fiddle head fern fronds and such, so, sorry if the scent was a bit overwhelming." She was sure his eyes were finally refocused on her when he gave her a full survey from head to toe and back up again. [url=https://i.imgur.com/AuyOD5S.jpg?1]Julia[/url] carried an AR-15 in her hands, an M-16 on her back, and a 9mm semiautomatic pistol on her right hip, all of which might have made her appear rather intimidating. Her physical size, however, took away from all of that. She was just over 5'2" in height, not including the extra lift from her Army surplus boots, and underneath her multiple layers of clothing was a frame that measured out at 33A-23-35 with a weight that barely passed three digits. Her petite size had never stopped her from doing her duties, though, the most important of which was Perimeter Patrol. She'd been performing that task when she'd heard movement and discovered this man making his way up the West Trail directly her way. She'd hidden just ten feet off the trail, let him pass, then moved back out to the trail's edge. Using the M-16, which had been converted to non-lethal forms of ammunition, she put a sedative pellet into the back of his left thigh. The drugs had gone into his blood stream in an instant, and less than 10 seconds later -- never having sighted Julia as she returned to the thick undergrowth -- he'd gone down to the ground. After calling for backup, the man had been bound, gagged, and hooded and blood had been drawn and rushed back to the Community for testing. "Sorry about the leg, too," she told him with a sincere tone. She explained about the pellet, adding, "Our Doc will cut it out of you once we get you back to the Infirmary." Then, with a wide smile, Julia said, "You're an Immune, which is cool, 'cause that means I've been authorized to invite you back to our Community. I mean, if you want to go." That last part was a bit insincere, of course. He was coming back to the Community whether he wanted to go or not, per the Matriarch's instructions. But Julia had been directed to make it appear as if he had a choice to return with her or go on his way. "You want me to help you to your feet?" she asked, finishing, "To see if you can stand and walk on that?" She slung the rifle and stepped closer, telling him, "My name is Julia. What's yours?"