[@Bright_Ops] Thanks for putting up with my various requests for edits. Your sheet is now accepted and can be moved over to the characters tab. [@mito] While your sheet is very much a work in progress, there is one thing right now that I would like you to change. Your character is currently listed at 71 years old, and I was asking for adult dragons, 75+ years. If you could bump up her age by a little bit it would be appreciated. Also thanks for the dragon image drive, it will be very useful. [centre]**********[/centre] Announcement. It is now 3 pm EST, so I switching the application tag to closed. The following users can still submit sheets, as they already expressed an interest: [@Dead Cruiser], [@Nakushita], [@mito], [@King Of Soul]. For anyone else, you have my apologies but I will not be accepting any more sheets, except from the users listed above. We already have a lot of players and I want to keep it manageable.