[@Omni5876] Will do! Anyways, done with the Deep Kingdoms. Next up, Kovosia. [hider][h3]The Deep Kingdoms[/h3] Vast caverns, labyrinthian tunnels and great cities hewn from the stone itself, these are the things that define the Deep Kingdoms lying far beneath the surface of Tirn. Though untouched by sunlight, the dwarven cities are ever lit by rivers of lava and phosphorescent lanterns, and water is drawn from nearby aquifers where fish, moss and mushrooms can be farmed for food. Despite being referred to collectively as the Deep Kingdoms, each city is its own state with its own ways and laws, but in terms of culture they are generally alike with their love of wealth and status displayed through the way they dress, speak and act. Throughout the ages, the greatest source of conflict for the dwarves has been among themselves as they vie for dominance over resources, rulership or reputation. If there was anything that ever united them, it was a common enemy in the Elder Dragons who coveted the dwarves as slaves of labour. Without them however, the dwarves of the deep have once again fallen into quarrelling with each other for every reason imaginable. In terms of religion, the dwarves of the deep mostly worship their ancestors and the stone itself, which they believe will hold firm as the surface world eventually sinks beneath the waves at the end of all time, leaving the dwarves as the sole survivors. In times of need, they invoke the name of a particular ancestor to draw upon their wisdom and expertise relevant to the situation at hand. If no such ancestor exists then praying to the stone will suffice, though it'd be less effective. For those who have disgraced themselves or brought disrepute upon their family, they are cast out as exiles on the surface and stricken from the records, their names and deeds to be forgotten by the stone. With tunnels spanning the entirety of Tirn, there are many ancient gateways to the dwarven cities scattered throughout the land, but most of them have been blocked or destroyed over the course of time - especially during the war against the Elder Dragons - leaving only one common entry point in the heart of the Stormwall Mountains: the Frostgate. Now closed with war looming on the surface. Before sealing themselves away from the outside world, the dwarves of the Deep Kingdoms traded mostly with the Kovosian Empire which they've held close relations with since the fall of the Elder Dragons, so it is of little surprise then why they chose to abstain from fighting. Even so however, with dwarven society as stifling as the tunnels they come from, there are bound to be a rebellious few who disagree as well as those born on the surface who stand to lose everything should the Empire prevail. Stubborn, quarrelsome and uncompromising, the worst traits of the dwarves also happens to be their best. Though the lords of the Deep Kingdoms have refused the call to arms, there are those who remember the dwarves serving honourably as stalwart allies in the war against the Elder Dragons. Perhaps the few that have joined the Sunpeak Alliance will be enough to turn the tide or at the very least hold the line. Even so however, the Frostgate remains closed and as long as there is war on the surface... [centre][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/445077537725697908/4361F1FBA53EAA97519A87BAC75D3AF955A2EBE2/?imw=512&imh=288&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true[/img] [i]None shall pass.[/i][/centre][/hider]