Unfortunately that was not good enough for Cyrdic. Which was a strange concept to the man who never questioned orders before he sprung his new lover, and even after that he had remained loyal to any paymaster for as long as was befitting a soldier. But he found he had more cares at the moment with Camilla nearly being skewered on animated tree branches, and she likely did with him. That, and Cyrdic was tired of being torn out of bed from some new threat. Sigmar's balls, he hadn't a decent sleep in weeks. "My lord, has this ever happened before?" He asked the Graf, clearly his throat so he sounded less grumpy. "No, it hasn't." The Grafin spoke up, clutching her husband. It was at that point the Dwarfs made their way up the stairs, twigs and leaves in their beards. They looked none the worse for wear. It was incredible their axes showed not the least signs of blunting, nor the Dwarfs themselves. In fact there was a feral gleam in their eye. As if killing trees was as cathartic to them as settling a grudge against the grobi. Later that night Cyrdic would mention it, and Camilla would reply 'may-be they joost hate sings that are green?' "Grungni willing, we can go and stop the fuckers if we knew where to go!" Thor declared, realigning his grip on his axe in anticipation. Of course, he never forgot his Dwarfish sensibilities. "That is, if you're willing to pay some more, yeah?" "If we're to protect you, we need some rest." Cyrdic said, crossing his powerful arms. "The men out there need cohesion, too. We barely stemmed the tide, Fraulien, and there's a lot more trees than men in the Drakwald." The Graf looked surprised at something, but to what no one could have guessed. He looked to be in his own little world, likely frightened out of his mind. The Grafin told Cyrdic she was going to go out and help the men, and that this manor was theirs to use for sleep if they needed it, in any room that wasn't wrecked or the Lord's and Lady's chambers. Not only that, but finding out what caused this would get them triple pay, and stopping it from ever happening again was a one time payment of a thousand krowns to each. Camilla and Cyrdic looked at one another, but they needn't say anything. "Done!" Gunir said.