[Center][Img]https://i.imgur.com/vgaCXB9.png[/img] [Color=crimson][b]Time:[/b][/color] Evening [Color=crimson][b]Location:[/b][/color] Off the coast of Yenworth [Color=crimson][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Myra [@13org] [Color=crimson][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [Color=crimson][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] None [/center][hr] The day had not been the brightest due to the overcast in the region of the northern isles, but when night arrived, it was apparent in these parts. The huge naval vessels started to blend in with the dark skies and waters. With no major cities or the aid of bioluminescent creatures in these parts, it was quite dangerous to navigate with the moon unable to break through the thick clouds. This darkness may have been a reason the Dark Elves chose this route. Their eyes were not only able to peer through the darkness, but they had suitable cover from their enemies, especially the dwarves. Though the stocky-built bearded folk despised heights, they did find value in using the mountains to station observation points to watch the northern channel. It was too bad the Dark Elves picked the perfect evening to move a naval fleet to the Orc settlement of Aldrakh. Traven could navigate with ease and his passengers appeared to be just as keen. Like himself, Astra could see just as visibly in the dark. Vrexen had better sight than your average creature, but his third eye allowed him to see more than other beings could. Myra’s senses were strong, so seeing in the darkness was not a problem. [color=lavender]“Yeneworth is right there.”[/color] Traven mentioned, causing Astra to smirk. She’d been waiting for this moment. Watching Traven, resenting the elf being so uncooperative, and scheming against him. It would probably take about five minutes to reach the port. [color=plum]“And then to River Port.”[/color] She commented. Traven spat to the side, spraying part of the deck with his spit. [color=lavender][i]Is the bitch touched?[/i][/color] [color=lavender]“Ay! We’re not going to River Port! I’m dropping you three here and that’s as far as I’m takin’ you!”[/color] [color=darkturquoise]“What?”[/color] [color=plum]“What the fuck?! You said this would just be the rest stop!”[/color] [Color=lavender]“Bitch, I said no such thing! Yeneworth! That was the agreement! Yeneworth and nothing more!””[/color] [Color=plum]“You fuckin’ no-good swindler! Living to your name! Traven the Treacherous!”[/color] Vrexen narrowed his eyes at Traven. [color=lavender]“Oh fuck you! You’ve fucked over more people than the oldest bastards I know and you haven’t even hit your seccenter years! Now sit the fuck back and be lucky I took you this far!”[/color] [color=darkturquoise]“Traven the Treacherous. You will take us to our [color=crimson][b]final[/b][/color] destination.”[/color] [Color=plum]“Yeah, you will! Lord Vrexen demands it!”[/color] Astra wanted this fire to burn. [color=lavender]“Fuck you both and that pale bitch too! You ain’t gonna make me do shit!”[/color] [Color=darkturquoise][sub]24[/sub][/color]