James lets out a small noise as he is pulled close to the other vampire, their bodies are pressed against each other as Dorian begins to clean the younger vampire's face. Lapping the cooling blood from his pale flesh. The feeling of the wet tongue on his skin causes the young vampire to purr softly in encouragement. His eyes flutter closed in enjoyment and pleasure only to open again when Dorian has finished cleaning him. He leans against Dorian's forehead looking into his eyes as he is assured that other meals, just as tasty would come his way in the future. He glances down at the unconscious man mourning the fact he cannot continue feeding from the warm body. He does not even listen to Dorian as he explains that hiding bodies is no simple matter and it would not have been long before James had been found in the forest had he continued as he was. A tug on his hand encourages him to move and he follows the older vampire back out onto the darkened streets. There were few people about now, they had scurried home to avoid the monster that had been picking them off. Of course there are a few souls still moving about and all of them are potential prey. The young vampire sniffs the air and looks around in search of one that appeals to him. Finally a scent grabs his attention and he eagerly pulls Dorian towards the forest edge of town. There is a small stable and inside a young woman crying and bleeding, no doubt having been beaten by her husband. She sniffles and cries completely unaware of the vampires. James presses against Dorian as he looks in on the beautiful woman who is curled up amongst the hay. "She smells good. An' she is all alone waiting for us to feed on her." His fingers tightly grip Dorian's coat as he keeps himself in check not wanting to upset the other vampire by losing control and attacking the girl. He runs his tongue along Dorian's jaw, excited in more ways than one by the prospect of another kill. It is a feat of self-control that James, a young and previously rogue vampire can control himself so much when faced by the blood and easy meal.