[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/k6jwQ8x/image.png[/img][h3]Shigenaga Nomura Macar-Oni and Cheese[/h3][@Rune_Alchemist][/center] Nomura was instantly annoyed at this fox, especially given that she is able to pierce his very thoughts. Does it go both ways? Whether it did or didn't, Nomura would think of a video he watched in his past life involving the fur industry and an organization that rhymes with "beata." It did make sense that Mie sent a spy after him, but did it really have to be someone so annoying? "[color=lavender]Unlike you, I am not a petty thief! I'm simply holding onto it because I saw [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbpqoi98be8]a dubious little creature getting up to mischief.[/url][/color]" Nomura stated, waving his finger in front of Ayumi's little fox snout. "[color=lavender]Still, you being here is useful... I'm sure you've overheard the conversation Bolcha and I were having. Enli's life is in danger, and he's interested in hiring one of Lady Mie's oni. Now, I'm not aware if I'm even able to authorize such a transaction, but I'm sure something could be arranged...[/color]" Nomura looked back to the longhouse, then back at Ayumi, an idea coming to mind. "[color=lavender]Tell you what... relay this offer to Lady Mie for me, and I'll see if I can get you a new fish. How does that sound?[/color]" Whatever Ayumi would respond, Nomura would make his way back towards the longhouse, extending a hand- and Enli's delivery- to Bolcha. "[color=lavender]I believe you are to be trusted. Now, how about we continue to talk about the situation regarding Enli? Perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement, oni or not.[/color]"