"Hold off the spearman!" Nobunaga called to her ally, before focusing her attention on the archer. There was no time to be spared focusing on the man she had rendered armless, given he was likely going into shock and unable to do much now. The bloodloss could potentially kill him before the others were dispatched. While honor and dignity certainly had their place, even in battle, this was an ambush and attempt at assassination by unscrupulous traitors. Therefore, there were no measures Nobunaga would ignore in regards to preserving the village elder's life. The petite black-haired girl departed from the downed hunter's side as she broke into a sprint towards the archer. Of course, this would ordinarily prove to be a far less advantageous position. All the archer need do is adjust his aim, and though she was a small target she would still be in immediate danger. But if he missed... When she was as close as she could manage, Nobunaga buried the tip of her katana in the snow and swung upwards, sweeping a cloud of powdery white into the air towards the archer to obscure his vision and, hopefully, briefly stun him. With that, she immediately drew her blade back and thrust right for the throat...! [@Crimson Paladin][@Rune_Alchemist]