[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] In their ride out, Tyaethe had commandeered a horse from another knight--relegating her to the unfortunate job of following slowly behind on pony or foot, or outright heading back--and arrived at the shrine in full armour. The attention she was paying to the other knights appeared to be minimal all around, as the paladin didn't even acknowledge Runa's belated arrival. Maritza got slightly more acknowledgement as she leapt off the horse, cocking her head, "Throw someone down? If it was me, I wouldn't drown. Could maybe raise the water [i]up[/i]." Not that any explanation was forthcoming as to how exactly one would go about doing something like that, and she was already walking ahead with no concern for any traps or ambushes this might spring. It was nighttime, the moon was out, and she was both a vampire and paladin of Mayon--they could bring it, as far as Tyaethe was concerned. Plus, she wanted to get a better look at the disturbance around the table. Someone [i]had[/i] been here, even if the others couldn't see it yet...