Silver had to put his hand in front of his face to not laugh out loud at Gold's fear of the little fire rodent. Bjork bleated a cheerful giggle at the display from where he was perched on Silver's shoulder. As Elm gave them his goodbyes, Gold turned to Silver and had a confident look on his face. "Also it's not Galdino, it's [b]Gold.[/b]" Silver smirked. "I get it. Everyone who's called me my full-name since I was a little boy, I've punched." Bjork's leaf fell over his face, covering one of his eyes as he was trying to blow it back up, Silver gently used his finger to flick it into place, the green critter beamed with excitement, making sure to hold onto the red-haired boy's jacket. "Why are you so scared of Pokémon anyway? Were you around when Blackthorn happened?" Silver asked, the two of them making their way out through New Bark Town.