[quote=@souleaterfan320] Aeron: oh? I think I will, then. *rips open a rift in the dimension around us, absorbing Amarathine from its realm, then the rift closes after* Alright.... lets do this. *the dimensions fabric warps around me, as my form alters slightly* I'll fight you in my Harbinger form. Lets see how you handle a small dose of [i]real[/i] power. *in less than a blink of an eye, I slam into you, hitting you in the chest with enough force to rip the fabric of the dimension around me* [/quote] *Uses the latent electricity from my earlier attacks to densely pack the region with my energy—I hold my wrists up in the path of your hand, and use the thick electric field to pull me into it and disperse the force slowly like water*