[center][img]http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j362/LillianThorne/my%20stuff/Siya.png[/img][/center] Siya’s momentum and aim proved true and she struck the Nixie with deadly force and sent the wet bitch flying when she popped out from [i]in-between[/i]. The Nixie struck with wall of the cave with a satisfying noise, impact and wet though there was not the delicious tang of blood to fill the air and sweeten her victory. Her expenditures had been considerable and she had not fed all that recently so it was something of a disappointment to her until she breathed in deep and past the briny scent of the dying Nixies she caught the rich, feral scent of werewolf blood. She had taken a step towards the fallen woman before she caught herself and she closed her all black eyes and bit her lip with a hungry whine, her tiny fangs making indents in the soft flesh. She swallowed and made herself move in the other direction, away from the fallen woman and the men protecting her and towards Atticus and her latest victim. She stood just behind him and looked over her handiwork, letting her satisfaction distract her from her hunger and the blood behind her. Old, ancient blood, rich with power, with life. Wasted as it spilled to the hungry earth… She made another noise and moved to put her hand on Atticus’ shoulder to lend him support when he interrogated the dying thing. It might have been a mistake. She heard, or rather felt the power of his words and though they were not directed at her she could still feel it simply by being in proximity to him. She was weak, so weak and hungry and the very air around him thrummed with his dark aura. The aura that had last touched her in a long night that had left her wrung out and sated in ways she still couldn’t articulate. She stepped back just to keep herself from leaping on him, twining herself around him and making a general spectacle of herself and potentially interfering with the interrogation. But even that didn’t help, not even a little because the Nixie started to fade, her gasping words leaving so many things unanswered that his frustration, so delicious, so perfect, joined his aura. She gasped and dropped to her knees, her hands clutching her belly as his power and anger roared around her, raging like the ink on his skin.