[@Omni5876] Sorry for the delayed response, you already know why but just so everyone else does too, had a bit of a family emergency. Anyways, I do remember you asking a similar question before, which was: [quote]how much of the Elven population is still remaining after the Fall of Avalan? Also, is their ruling body still alive or are they following their own Families or clans?[/quote] And my answer was: [quote]Overall? I'd say about less than 100,000. Not in danger of going extinct, but getting there. The rulership of Avalan is no more, so whoever made it out would indeed only have their families and clans to look to. If they're not slaves, they're refugees and with your character being a noble, I'd imagine he'd have lost quite a bit after the fall.[/quote] But there's a bit of a distinction between those who survived and those who made it to Norsinia, isn't there? So on that I'd say only a fraction. About 10 to 20,000 or so. Really though, since you've brought it up, I'm more than happy to allow people to come up with their own ideas so long as it fits the setting and doesn't clash with the lore. Right now, I'm still just laying the groundwork (which is nearly finished), but after that you're free to add to it when it comes to the details. Speaking of which, there is currently no one in overall command of the remaining Avalese forces so yes, each house will be in charge of their own men. With your character being the head of his house, this would also make him the commander of whatever's left of his house's fighting force, but I can tell you ahead of time that this may or may not be practical when I get to writing about the Dragonier. Well, we'll see how it turns out anyway. As for the World Tree and religion thing, that's more than okay. In fact, once I'm done with everything else, I'll go back and add that into the lore for Avalan. Might also expand on the World Tree itself while I'm at it. One thing I've realized throughout answering your questions is that I've been really stingy on coming up with actual numbers when it comes to the timeline of events. How long it's been since the Elder Dragons were wiped out, how long ago the fall of Avalan was and how long it took, etc. I think all I've mentioned in specifics so far is that the last invasion from the continent of Vaim was 30 years ago and... that's about it. Think I'll throw up some ballpark numbers right now. How's 200 years since the Elder Dragons and 1 month since the fall of Avalan (which also took just 1 month to happen) sound? Paragons are serious business, they're basically the 'chosen one' for humans so that's something I really wanna get across. Anytime they appear, it'd be like the quote: There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen. Anyways, thoughts?