Kay and Sam nodded as Bane explained what to do and John and Serena were starting to lose the fight against what was trying to control them. Kay instantly stepped behind John and lifted his button up shirt up so she could see his shoulder blades and low and behind saw some kind of seed attached to him with roots growing from it. "Shit, John I'm gonna have to burn it off, I'm sorry if it'll hurt but just transfer that pain to me through our bond okay? I can take it" she told him. She waited for him to brace himself and when he did, she placed her palm flat against the seed and roots and let her fire spark and appear from her hand, focusing it solely on what was attached to his shoulder blades. She hated that she was possibly hurting him but it was the only way. The vines were scared of her earlier, so she figured this would be the same deal. Sam checked Serena's lower back and the same was on her. "It's the same here!" she said to Kay, "Hold on Serena! I almost got it from John! Then I can help you!" Kay said back, knowing that if Fee separated from her she would be putting her own life in danger.