Kay gritted her teeth as she felt John transferring the pain onto her but she was aware he fainted as the roots and seed disappeared. "Sam look after him! He's fainted from the burning, i can heal him once I've got to Serena!" she said to her sister, Sam nodding and hurrying over to John when it was done, holding him up so he didn't fall to the ground. Seeing Bane shifting into his wolf form put Sam on edge and was worried about this all happening in her house, feeling glad that her girlfriend was at work and wouldn't walk in on this whole thing happening. Kay rushed to Serena and looked at where it was on her lower back, "oKay, brace, this is gonna hurt" she warned and did the same thing onto Serena's back as she did on John's shoulder blades. "i'm sorry Serena" she apologised as she burned through the roots and seed.